2014-07-18 1 views

DataTable에서 채워진 XCeed Datagrid가 있습니다. 사용자가 셀을 두 번 클릭하면 어떤 행의 어떤 열이 선택되었는지를 결정할 수 있기를 원합니다. 어떻게해야합니까?XCeed Datagrid에서 두 번 클릭 한 행의 열을 어떻게 확인할 수 있습니까?


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EventManager.RegisterClassHandler( typeof(DataCell), DataCell.MouseDoubleClickEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnDataCellMouseDoubleClick)); 

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음, 간결하게 질문하는 것은 요즘 처벌되는 것 같습니다. 어떤 코드도 제공하지 않습니다.

솔루션은 WPF 작성자에게 참으로 (엄청나게) 복잡합니다.

The solution for a standard WPF DataGrid can be found here.

난 당신이 DataCell 대상을 더블 클릭을 처리하는 (VB 단위) XCeed DataGridControl이 솔루션

Public Class MyXAMLWindow 

    Private Sub grdResults_MouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
     'Cast the sender parameter to the XCeed DataGridControl' 
     Dim dg As Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.DataGridControl = sender 

     'Extract the cell information to a custom CellInfo structure.' 
     Dim info = GetCellInfo(e.OriginalSource, dg.SelectedIndex) 

     'Pass the cellinfo to the ViewModel' 
     dg.DataContext.SelectedInfo = info 
    End Sub 

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Contructs a <see cref="CellInfo(Of String)">cellinfo</see> structure from the cell that was clicked. 
    ''' </summary> 
    ''' <param name="originalSource">The value of the OriginalSource property of the MouseButtonEventArgs.</param> 
    ''' <param name="rowIndex">The index of the row on which was clicked.</param> 
    ''' <returns><see cref="CellInfo(Of string)">cellinfo</see> object.</returns> 
    ''' <remarks>This function uses the OriginalSource property of the MouseButtonEventArgs as a starting point.</remarks>' 
    Private Function GetCellInfo(originalSource As Object, rowIndex As Integer) As CellInfo(Of String) 
     Dim dep As DependencyObject = originalSource 

     Dim cellInfo = New CellInfo(Of String) 

     'Find the DataCell that is associated with the original source.' 
     While (dep IsNot Nothing) AndAlso Not (TypeOf dep Is DataCell) 
      dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep) 
     End While 

     If dep Is Nothing Then 
      Return New CellInfo(Of String) With {.ColumnIndex = -1, .RowIndex = -1, .Value = String.Empty} 
     End If 

     If TypeOf dep Is DataCell Then 
      Dim cell As DataCell = TryCast(dep, DataCell) 

      cellInfo.ColumnIndex = cell.ParentColumn.Index 
      cellInfo.RowIndex = rowIndex 
      cellInfo.Value = cell.Content 

     End If 

     Return cellInfo 
    End Function 
End Class 

'A custom Structure to hold the data of the selected Cell.' 
Public Structure CellInfo(Of TValue) 
    Public RowIndex As Integer 
    Public ColumnIndex As Integer 
    Public Value As TValue 
End Structure 

먼저 재.

private void OnDataCellMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
    var clickedCell = sender as DataCell; 
    var row = clickedCell.ParentRow; 
    var rowNum = row.TabIndex; 
    var column = clickedCell.ParentColumn; 
    var columnNum = column.Index; 