2017-10-11 11 views

나는 나의 이온 성 3 프로젝트에서하는 SCS 파일을 가지고 있고이 명령을 실행하면하는 SCS 서식 : 들여 쓰기 및 NestingDepth

src/pages/profile/profile.scss:3:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:9:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:15:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:20:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:28:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:33:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:37:1 [W] SelectorDepth: Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:37:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:38:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented 4 spaces, but was indented 3 spaces 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:39:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented 4 spaces, but was indented 3 spaces 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:42:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:47:1 [W] SelectorDepth: Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 5 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:47:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:53:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:57:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:61:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:68:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:72:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:79:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:85:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:93:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:97:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:101:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:108:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:115:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:120:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:128:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:132:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:136:1 [W] SelectorDepth: Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:136:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:143:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:143:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:150:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:150:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:154:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:154:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:158:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-bar` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:158:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:164:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-value` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:164:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:165:23 [W] HexLength: Color `#0000ff` should be written as `#00f` 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:170:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 1 spaces 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:170:3 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable `progress_bar_colour` should be written in all lowercase letters with hyphens instead of underscores 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:172:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-label-left` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:172:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:182:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-label-right` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:182:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:193:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-label-center` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:193:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:202:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:202:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:209:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:209:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:213:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:213:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:214:17 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable `progress_bar_colour` should be written in all lowercase letters with hyphens instead of underscores 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:217:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:217:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:221:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-main` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:221:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:226:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-bar` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:226:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:228:23 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable `progress_bar_colour` should be written in all lowercase letters with hyphens instead of underscores 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:232:1 [W] SelectorFormat: Selector `Progress-value` should be written in hyphenated BEM (Block Element Modifier) format 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:232:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:238:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
src/pages/profile/profile.scss:245:3 [W] NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1, but was 2 
: NPM을 실행하는 SCS-보풀 내가 내 cmd를 경고하는 가지고 SCS들에 syntaxe을 테스트 여기

내하는 SCS 파일이 당신이 날 SCS들 파일을 포맷하는 데 도움이 몇 가지 링크를 제공하시기 바랍니다 수

pastbin https://pastebin.com/1ZqC2Ptc에 붙여, 또는 거기에 그와 비주얼 코드 편집기에서 구성 할 수있는 플러그인입니다, 나는 많은 시도 들여 쓰기와 네 스팅 깊이의 문제를 해결할 시간.?


링크를 코드 블록으로 삼지 마십시오. 사람들이 어떻게 그것을 클릭 할 것으로 예상합니까? – msanford


첫 번째 규칙 ('page-profile {...'맞습니다. 수정 여부를 확인하십시오.) –


** 줄은 4 칸 들여 쓰기해야하지만 3 칸 들여 쓰여졌습니다 ** : 따라서 들여 쓰기가 잘못되었습니다. 4 개의 공백을 갖도록하거나 IDE를 들여 쓰기하도록 수정하십시오. –



NestingDepth: Nesting should be no greater than 1이을 중첩 중괄호를 참조하지 않는 오류, 그것은 선택이 중첩을 의미합니다.

SASS의 중괄호는 소스를 더 쉽게 읽을 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

page-profile { 
    .profileinformations> h1 > ion-icon { 
    font-size: 15px; 
    color: color($colors, icon-color); 

4의 NestingDepth 있습니다 : 예를 들어


div { 
    a { 
     font-size: 15px; 

은 예로부터 취할 것을 의미

div a { 
    font-size: 15px; 

단지 SASS 설탕인가 page-profile .profileinformations > h1 > ion-icon .