2017-11-13 11 views

요약에서 š 访问 父母와 같은 한자가 있으면 매크로가 즉시 중지됩니다. 영어로 잘 작동합니다. 중국어의 경우 런타임 오류 '5'가 표시됩니다. 잘못된 프로 시저 호출 또는 인수이며 세부 사항으로 이동하면 아래 줄이 강조 표시됩니다. objFile.write "요약 :"& 요약 & vbCrLf 이 문제를 해결하는 방법에 대한 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.Excel에서 ICS로 중국어 문자 내보내기

Sub Create_ICS() 

Dim CSV_Name As String 
CSV_Name = ThisWorkbook.Names("CSV_Name").RefersToRange + ".ics" 
If CSV_Name = ".ics" Then GoTo No_Filename 

Dim Folder_Existence As String 
Folder_Existence = ThisWorkbook.Names("Folder_Existence").RefersToRange 
If Folder_Existence <> "" Then GoTo No_Such_Folder 


Dim Last_Columm As Long 
Last_Columm = 21 
Dim First_Row As Long 
First_Row = 2 

Dim ICS_Format As String 
ICS_Format = ThisWorkbook.Names("ICS_Format").RefersToRange 

Dim Time_Zone_Selected As String 
Time_Zone_Selected = ThisWorkbook.Names("Time_Zone_Selected").RefersToRange 

Dim Calendar_ID As String 
Calendar_ID = ThisWorkbook.Names("Calendar_ID").RefersToRange 

Dim CSV_Directory As String 
CSV_Directory = ThisWorkbook.Names("CSV_Directory").RefersToRange 

Dim Sync_URL As String 
Sync_URL = ThisWorkbook.Names("Sync_URL").RefersToRange + CSV_Name 

Dim Time_Format As String 
Time_Format = ThisWorkbook.Names("Time_Format").RefersToRange 
If Time_Format = "Excel Timestamps" Then Application.Run "Excel_Timestamps" 

Dim Total_Errors As Long 
Total_Errors = ThisWorkbook.Names("Total_Errors").RefersToRange 
If Total_Errors > 0 Then GoTo Fix_Errors 


Dim CSV_Slash As String 
CSV_Slash = Right(CSV_Directory, 1) 
Dim Slash As String 
If CSV_Slash = "\" Then Slash = "" 
If CSV_Slash <> "\" Then Slash = "\" 

Dim CSV_Filename As String 
CSV_Filename = CSV_Directory + Slash + CSV_Name 

Dim rng1 As Range, X, i As Long, v As Long 
Dim objFSO, objFile 
Dim FilePath As String 
FilePath = "D:\test.ics" 
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(CSV_Filename) 

Set rng1 = Range(Cells(First_Row, 1), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, Last_Columm)) 
X = rng1 

'GoTo Details 

objFile.write "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "VERSION:2.0" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "METHOD:Publish" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "PRODID:-//None" & vbCrLf 

Dim Summary As String 
Dim Description As String 
Dim DateStart As String 
Dim TimeStart As String 
Dim DateEnd As String 
Dim TimeEnd As String 
Dim Location As String 
Dim Frequency As String 
Dim Interval As String 
Dim When As String 
Dim ByDay As String 
Dim ByMonthDay As String 
Dim ByYearDay As String 
Dim ByWeekNo As String 
Dim ByMonth As String 
Dim BySetPos As String 
Dim WkSt As String 
Dim Color As String 
Dim Alarm As String 
Dim TzId As String 
Dim UID As String 

' Create Details 

For i = 1 To UBound(X, 1) 

Summary = X(i, 1) 
Description = X(i, 2) 
DateStart = X(i, 3) 
TimeStart = X(i, 4) 
DateEnd = X(i, 5) 
TimeEnd = X(i, 6) 
Location = X(i, 7) 
Frequency = X(i, 8) 
Interval = X(i, 9) 
When = X(i, 10) 
ByDay = X(i, 11) 
ByMonthDay = X(i, 12) 
ByYearDay = X(i, 13) 
ByWeekNo = X(i, 14) 
ByMonth = X(i, 15) 
BySetPos = X(i, 16) 
WkSt = X(i, 17) 
Color = X(i, 18) 
Alarm = X(i, 19) 
TzId = X(i, 20) 
UID = X(i, 21) 

ByMonthDay = Right(DateStart, 2)/1 

If BySetPos = "L" Then BySetPos = "-1" 

ByMonth = Mid(DateStart, 5, 2)/1 

objFile.write "BEGIN:VEVENT" & vbCrLf 

objFile.write "UID:" & UID & vbCrLf 

objFile.write "DTSTAMP" & TzId & ":" & DateStart & "T000000" & ICS_Format & vbCrLf 

If Description <> "" Then 
    objFile.write "DESCRIPTION:" & Description & vbCrLf 
End If 

If TimeStart = "" Or TimeStart = "0" And TimeEnd = "0" Then 
objFile.write "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" & DateEnd & vbCrLf 
If Len(TimeEnd) = 3 Then TimeEnd = "000" + TimeEnd 
If Len(TimeEnd) = 4 Then TimeEnd = "00" + TimeEnd 
If Len(TimeEnd) = 5 Then TimeEnd = "0" + TimeEnd 
objFile.write "DTEND" & TzId & ":" & DateEnd & "T" & TimeEnd & vbCrLf 
End If 

If Location <> "" Then 
objFile.write "LOCATION:" & Location & vbCrLf 
End If 

objFile.write "SUMMARY:" & Summary & vbCrLf 

If TimeStart = "" Or TimeStart = "0" And TimeEnd = "0" Then 
objFile.write "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" & DateStart & vbCrLf ' All Day 
If Len(TimeStart) = 3 Then TimeStart = "000" + TimeStart 
If Len(TimeStart) = 4 Then TimeStart = "00" + TimeStart 
If Len(TimeStart) = 5 Then TimeStart = "0" + TimeStart 
    objFile.write "DTSTART" & TzId & ":" & DateStart & "T" & TimeStart & vbCrLf 
End If 

If TimeStart = "" Or TimeStart = "0" And TimeEnd = "0" Then 
    objFile.write "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE" & vbCrLf 
    objFile.write "X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:1" & vbCrLf 
End If 

If Frequency <> "" And Interval = "" Then Interval = "1" 

If Frequency = "DAILY" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY" & vbCrLf 
ElseIf Frequency = "WEEKLY" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=" & Frequency & ";INTERVAL=" & Interval & vbCrLf 

' Day X of each Y months 
ElseIf Frequency = "MONTHLY" And ByDay = "" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=" & Interval & "BYMONTHDAY=" & ByMonthDay & vbCrLf 

' Xth WeekDay of each Y months 
ElseIf Frequency = "MONTHLY" And ByDay <> "" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=" & 1 & ";BYDAY=" & When & ByDay & vbCrLf 

ElseIf Frequency = "YEARLY" And ByYearDay <> "" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=" & Interval & ";BYYEARDAY=" & ByYearDay & vbCrLf 

ElseIf Frequency = "YEARLY" And ByYearDay = "" Then 
    objFile.write "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=" & Interval & ";BYMONTHDAY=" & ByMonthDay & ";BYMONTH=" & ByMonth & vbCrLf 
End If 

If Alarm <> "" Then 
Dim TRIGGER As String 
If Alarm = "0" Then TRIGGER = "+PT0S" 
If Alarm = "1440" Then TRIGGER = "-P1DT0S" 
If Alarm/1 > 0 And Alarm/1 < 60 Then TRIGGER = "-PT0H" & Alarm & "M0S" 
If Alarm/1 > 59 And Alarm/1 < 1440 Then TRIGGER = "-PT" & Int(Alarm/60) & "H" & (Alarm/60 - Int(Alarm/60)) * 60 & "M0S" 

objFile.write "DESCRIPTION:Event Reminder" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "ACTION: DISPLAY" & vbCrLf 
objFile.write "End:VALARM" & vbCrLf 
End If 

If Color <> "" Then 
    objFile.write "X-UTILITAP-COLOR: " & Color & vbCrLf 
End If 

objFile.write "END:VEVENT" & vbCrLf 

Next i 

' Create Footer 
objFile.write "END:VCALENDAR" 

MsgBox "File " + CSV_Directory + CSV_Name + " created..." 

GoTo Finish 

MsgBox " The destination file " + CSV_Name + " is open, please close it first..." 
GoTo Finish 

MsgBox "Folder '" + CSV_Directory + "' doesn't exist, please fix this first...." 
Application.GoTo Reference:="CSV_Directory" 
GoTo Finish 

MsgBox "No file name specified, please fix this first...." 
Application.GoTo Reference:="CSV_Name" 
GoTo Finish 

MsgBox "Sheet 'ICS' doesn't contain calendar items, nothing to export...." 
GoTo Finish 

MsgBox "Sheet 'ICS' contains errors, please fix these first...." 
Application.Run "Filter_Errors" 

GoTo Finish 

    MsgBox "Sheet ICS doesn't contain error checks, this will be fixed now...." 
Application.Run "Calendar_Checks" 
GoTo Finish 


End Sub 



오류가 여기에 있습니다 : 아스키 유니 코드로 작성의 기본으로

Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(CSV_Filename) 


Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(filename:=CSV_Filename, Unicode:=true) 
으로 교체하십시오.