java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException이 발생합니다. 첫 번째 execLinkedOp 호출에서 한 번만 발생합니다. 나는 잘 cartago 기능을 동기화해야 몇 가지 제이슨 절차가 누락 된 것 같아요. 아마도 execLinkedOp는 다음 호출을 위해이 조건을 수정하는 끝에서 일부 컨텍스트를 다시 생성합니다.execLinkedOp의 첫 번째 실행시 CArtAgO (JaCaMo)의 java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
다음 포럼에서는 동기화 된 (foo) 호출이없는 경우 이런 종류의 문제가 발생할 수 있다고 말합니다. Alessadro 리치에 의해 제안으로
[counter] setValue invoked sucessfully! old: count(-1), received: -1 opid:opId(0,setValue,counter,robot)
[robot] New is (-1) old number is: count(-1)
[robot] Linking router and counter...
TRACE: Camel Artifact 'listenCamelRoutes' is true
DEBUG: Listening by reading the incoming queue...
DEBUG: InOpRequest received! Artifact: router, inc2
DEBUG: Adding in the inQueue: router: inc2
DEBUG: Message added in the incoming queue!
DEBUG: A message was founded in the incoming queue! Artifact:router, op:inc2, body []
DEBUG: Getting artifact id of router
DEBUG: Executing inc2 without parameters.
DEBUG: InOpRequest received! Artifact: counter, inc3
DEBUG: Adding in the inQueue: counter: inc3
DEBUG: Body received: [string...test...counter, 34]
DEBUG: Parameters details: [string...test...counter, 34]
DEBUG: Message added in the incoming queue!
DEBUG: A message was founded in the incoming queue! Artifact:counter, op:inc3, body [string...test...counter, 34]
DEBUG: Getting artifact id of counter
DEBUG: artifact name/id/type: counter/7/artifacts.Counter
DEBUG: Forwarding inc3 with following parameters: [string...test...counter, 34]
[counter] Counter:inc3 called! A tick signal is going to be send. Parameters: string...test...counter, 34
ERROR: Error on execLinkedOp with parameters!
cartago.OperationException: execLinkedOp failed java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at cartago.Artifact.execLinkedOp(
at camelartifact.CamelArtifact.receiveMsg(
at camelartifact.CamelArtifact$ReadCmd.exec(
at cartago.Artifact.await(
at camelartifact.CamelArtifact.setListenCamelRoute(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at cartago.ArtifactOpMethod.exec(
at cartago.Artifact.doOperation(
at cartago.Artifact.access$200(
at cartago.Artifact$ArtifactAdapter.doOperation(
at cartago.WorkspaceKernel.serveOperation(
at cartago.WorkspaceKernel.access$000(
at cartago.WorkspaceKernel$
DEBUG: Forwarding with parameters done!
DEBUG: InOpRequest received! Artifact: router, inc2
DEBUG: Adding in the inQueue: router: inc2
DEBUG: Message added in the incoming queue!
DEBUG: A message was founded in the incoming queue! Artifact:router, op:inc2, body []
Javadoc 컨설팅을 고려 했습니까? – EJP
CArtAgO에서 CArtAgO에 대한 정보는 찾지 못했지만 동기화 문제를 방지하기 위해 외부 스레드 사용을 실제로 피하는 예제로 API 사용을 보여줍니다. –