2017-11-27 18 views

Glide를 통해 클라우드에서 이미지를 내 리사이클 러 뷰의 ImageView로로드 중입니다. 내가 원하는 것은 각각의 이미지를 클릭하는 동안 이미지가 풀 스크린 핀치 줌 기능이 있어야합니다. 당신은ImageView with fullscreen


[Android 이미지 뷰 핀치 확대/축소] 가능한 복제본 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10630373/android-image-view-pinch-zooming) – ADM


시도 했습니까? 암호..? – rafsanahmad007


다음 코드 @ Sobinscott에서 사용 –



당신은 2 가지 방법

  • 열기 다른 활동 및 디스플레이 이미지를 통해
    1. 보이는 이미지 뷰하여이 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다 감사합니다 그것을

    및 확대 사용

    이 사용자 정의에 등급

    import android.content.Context; 
    import android.graphics.Bitmap; 
    import android.graphics.Matrix; 
    import android.graphics.PointF; 
    import android.util.AttributeSet; 
    import android.view.MotionEvent; 
    import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector; 
    import android.view.View; 
    import android.widget.ImageView; 
    public class ZoomableImageView extends ImageView 
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); 
        static final int NONE = 0; 
        static final int DRAG = 1; 
        static final int ZOOM = 2; 
        static final int CLICK = 3; 
        int mode = NONE; 
        PointF last = new PointF(); 
        PointF start = new PointF(); 
        float minScale = 1f; 
        float maxScale = 4f; 
        float[] m; 
        float redundantXSpace, redundantYSpace; 
        float width, height; 
        float saveScale = 1f; 
        float right, bottom, origWidth, origHeight, bmWidth, bmHeight; 
        ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector; 
        Context context; 
        public ZoomableImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attr) 
         super(context, attr); 
         this.context = context; 
         mScaleDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, new ScaleListener()); 
         matrix.setTranslate(1f, 1f); 
         m = new float[9]; 
         setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() 
          public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) 
           float x = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; 
           float y = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; 
           PointF curr = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY()); 
           switch (event.getAction()) 
            //when one finger is touching 
            //set the mode to DRAG 
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: 
             last.set(event.getX(), event.getY()); 
             mode = DRAG; 
            //when two fingers are touching 
            //set the mode to ZOOM 
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: 
             last.set(event.getX(), event.getY()); 
             mode = ZOOM; 
            //when a finger moves 
            //If mode is applicable move image 
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: 
             //if the mode is ZOOM or 
             //if the mode is DRAG and already zoomed 
             if (mode == ZOOM || (mode == DRAG && saveScale > minScale)) 
              float deltaX = curr.x - last.x;// x difference 
              float deltaY = curr.y - last.y;// y difference 
              float scaleWidth = Math.round(origWidth * saveScale);// width after applying current scale 
              float scaleHeight = Math.round(origHeight * saveScale);// height after applying current scale 
              //if scaleWidth is smaller than the views width 
              //in other words if the image width fits in the view 
              //limit left and right movement 
              if (scaleWidth < width) 
               deltaX = 0; 
               if (y + deltaY > 0) 
                deltaY = -y; 
               else if (y + deltaY < -bottom) 
                deltaY = -(y + bottom); 
              //if scaleHeight is smaller than the views height 
              //in other words if the image height fits in the view 
              //limit up and down movement 
              else if (scaleHeight < height) 
               deltaY = 0; 
               if (x + deltaX > 0) 
                deltaX = -x; 
               else if (x + deltaX < -right) 
                deltaX = -(x + right); 
              //if the image doesnt fit in the width or height 
              //limit both up and down and left and right 
               if (x + deltaX > 0) 
                deltaX = -x; 
               else if (x + deltaX < -right) 
                deltaX = -(x + right); 
               if (y + deltaY > 0) 
                deltaY = -y; 
               else if (y + deltaY < -bottom) 
                deltaY = -(y + bottom); 
              //move the image with the matrix 
              matrix.postTranslate(deltaX, deltaY); 
              //set the last touch location to the current 
              last.set(curr.x, curr.y); 
            //first finger is lifted 
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: 
             mode = NONE; 
             int xDiff = (int) Math.abs(curr.x - start.x); 
             int yDiff = (int) Math.abs(curr.y - start.y); 
             if (xDiff < CLICK && yDiff < CLICK) 
            // second finger is lifted 
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: 
             mode = NONE; 
           return true; 
        public void setImageBitmap(Bitmap bm) 
         bmWidth = bm.getWidth(); 
         bmHeight = bm.getHeight(); 
        public void setMaxZoom(float x) 
         maxScale = x; 
        private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener 
         public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) 
          mode = ZOOM; 
          return true; 
         public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) 
          float mScaleFactor = detector.getScaleFactor(); 
          float origScale = saveScale; 
          saveScale *= mScaleFactor; 
          if (saveScale > maxScale) 
           saveScale = maxScale; 
           mScaleFactor = maxScale/origScale; 
          else if (saveScale < minScale) 
           saveScale = minScale; 
           mScaleFactor = minScale/origScale; 
          right = width * saveScale - width - (2 * redundantXSpace * saveScale); 
          bottom = height * saveScale - height - (2 * redundantYSpace * saveScale); 
          if (origWidth * saveScale <= width || origHeight * saveScale <= height) 
           matrix.postScale(mScaleFactor, mScaleFactor, width/2, height/2); 
           if (mScaleFactor < 1) 
            float x = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; 
            float y = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; 
            if (mScaleFactor < 1) 
             if (Math.round(origWidth * saveScale) < width) 
              if (y < -bottom) 
               matrix.postTranslate(0, -(y + bottom)); 
              else if (y > 0) 
               matrix.postTranslate(0, -y); 
              if (x < -right) 
               matrix.postTranslate(-(x + right), 0); 
              else if (x > 0) 
               matrix.postTranslate(-x, 0); 
           matrix.postScale(mScaleFactor, mScaleFactor, detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY()); 
           float x = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; 
           float y = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; 
           if (mScaleFactor < 1) { 
            if (x < -right) 
             matrix.postTranslate(-(x + right), 0); 
            else if (x > 0) 
             matrix.postTranslate(-x, 0); 
            if (y < -bottom) 
             matrix.postTranslate(0, -(y + bottom)); 
            else if (y > 0) 
             matrix.postTranslate(0, -y); 
          return true; 
        protected void onMeasure (int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) 
         super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); 
         width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); 
         height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); 
         //Fit to screen. 
         float scale; 
         float scaleX = width/bmWidth; 
         float scaleY = height/bmHeight; 
         scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); 
         matrix.setScale(scale, scale); 
         saveScale = 1f; 
         // Center the image 
         redundantYSpace = height - (scale * bmHeight) ; 
         redundantXSpace = width - (scale * bmWidth); 
         redundantYSpace /= 2; 
         redundantXSpace /= 2; 
         matrix.postTranslate(redundantXSpace, redundantYSpace); 
         origWidth = width - 2 * redundantXSpace; 
         origHeight = height - 2 * redundantYSpace; 
         right = width * saveScale - width - (2 * redundantXSpace * saveScale); 
         bottom = height * saveScale - height - (2 * redundantYSpace * saveScale); 
  • +0

    최소 코드를 공유 할 수 있습니까? 이 수업을 사용 하시겠습니까? – Sobinscott


    이 클래스를 com.example.ZoomableImageView에 넣은 다음 xml 에 넣으면 xml의 간단한 ImageView 선언과 같이 XML 내부에 ZoomableImageView를 사용할 수 있습니다. .ZoomableImageView> 다음과 같이 – SahdevRajput74


    및 java 파일 ZoomableImageView aiv = (ZoomableImageView) findViewbyId(); ID = "@ + ID/imageView8" 로이드 : layout_width = "wrap_content" 로이드 – SahdevRajput74