2017-10-06 1 views

응용 프로그램을 개발 중이며 redux-auth-wrapper의 리디렉션 문제가 있습니다. 문서를 따라 갔지만이 문제점이 있습니다. 항상 예를 ​​들어 로그인 후 집에 할 수 있어요 :리디렉션 백엔드로 redux-auth-wrapper 문제 - 항상 집으로 리디렉션합니다.

나는 액세스 :


내가로 리디렉션 해요 :

http://localhost:3000/login?redirect=%2Fadmin it's ritght! 

하지만 로그인 후에 내가

로 리디렉션 해요

로그인 한 후 어떻게해야합니까?

내 버전 :

"react-redux": "4.4.5", 
"react-router": "3.2.0", 
"react-router-redux": "4.0.6", 
"redux": "3.6.0", 
"redux-auth-wrapper": "2.0.2", 

내 auth.js :

import locationHelperBuilder from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history3/locationHelper' 
import { connectedRouterRedirect } from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history3/redirect' 
import { routerActions } from 'react-router-redux' 

import { Loading } from './components' 

const locationHelper = locationHelperBuilder({}) 

export const userIsAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({ 
    redirectPath: '/login', 
    authenticatedSelector: state => state.auth.isAuthenticated, 
    authenticatingSelector: state => state.auth.isLoading, 
    AuthenticatingComponent: Loading, 
    redirectAction: routerActions.replace, 
    wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAuthenticated' 

export const userIsAdmin = connectedRouterRedirect({ 
    redirectPath: '/', 
    allowRedirectBack: false, 
    authenticatedSelector: state => state.auth.data !== null && state.auth.data.isAdmin, 
    redirectAction: routerActions.replace, 
    wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAdmin' 

export const userIsNotAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({ 
    redirectPath: (state, ownProps) => locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/foo', 
    allowRedirectBack: false, 
    // Want to redirect the user when they are done loading and authenticated 
    authenticatedSelector: state => state.auth.data === null && state.auth.isLoading === false, 
    redirectAction: routerActions.replace, 
    wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsNotAuthenticated' 

내 routes.js :

import React from 'react'; 
import { Route , IndexRoute } from 'react-router'; 
import App from './components/App'; 
import LoginPage from './containers/LoginPage'; 
import LogoutPage from './containers/LogoutPage'; 
import AdminPage from './containers/AdminPage'; 

import SelectSolution from './containers/SelectSolution'; 

import AboutPage from './components/AboutPage.js'; 
import NotFoundPage from './components/NotFoundPage.js'; 

import { userIsAuthenticated 
     // , userIsAdmin 
     // , userIsNotAuthenticated 
     } from './auth' 

export default (
    <Route path="/" component={App}> 
    <IndexRoute component={SelectSolution}/> 
    <Route path="login" component={LoginPage}/> 
    <Route path="logout" component={LogoutPage}/> 
    <Route path="admin" component={userIsAuthenticated(AdminPage)}/> 
    <Route path="about" component={AboutPage}/> 
    <Route path="*" component={NotFoundPage}/> 

누군가가 나를 도울 수 있습니까?


죄송합니다. 내 로그인 구성 요소 : – bugalaws



죄송 사람들은 내 로그인 구성 요소이었다 : 난 당신이 날 apologyse appologyse 희망

componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { 
    if (newProps.pageState.auth.isAuthenticated) { 
