2017-03-14 9 views

아래는 내가 가진 것의 일부입니다 :dumpbin 출력의 숫자는 16 진수 또는 10 진수입니까? 내가 geek.exe을 분석하려고

PE signature found 


      14C machine (x86) 
       4 number of sections 
     56AE989D time date stamp Mon Feb 1 06:28:29 2016 
       0 file pointer to symbol table 
       0 number of symbols 
       E0 size of optional header 
      103 characteristics 
        Relocations stripped 
        32 bit word machine 

      10B magiC# (PE32) 
      12.00 linker version 
      1A5E00 size of code 
      46BC00 size of initialized data 
       0 size of uninitialized data 
      71ECE entry point (00471ECE) 
      1000 base of code 
      1A7000 base of data 
      400000 image base (00400000 to 00A13FFF) 
      1000 section alignment 
      200 file alignment 
      5.01 operating system version 
      0.00 image version 
      5.01 subsystem version 
       0 Win32 version 
      614000 size of image 
      400 size of headers 
      610DF5 checksum 
       2 subsystem (Windows GUI) 
      8100 DLL characteristics 
        NX compatible 
        Terminal Server Aware 
      100000 size of stack reserve 
      1000 size of stack commit 
      100000 size of heap reserve 
      1000 size of heap commit 
       0 loader flags 
       10 number of directories 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Export Directory 
      220104 [  17C] RVA [size] of Import Directory 
      234000 [ 3E0000] RVA [size] of Resource Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Exception Directory 
      60C600 [ 3E18] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory 
      1A7DB0 [  38] RVA [size] of Debug Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Global Pointer Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory 
      1FB340 [  40] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory 
      1A7000 [  A60] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of COM Descriptor Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory 

내가 알고 싶은 부동 소수점되지 않은 숫자 16 진수 형태로 모든입니다 있다는 것입니다? 나는 그들 모두가 16 진수이거나 12 월 중 일부에 있는지 확신하지 못한다. 감사합니다.



버전 숫자를 제외하고 모두 16 진수입니다. Microsoft는 Dumpbin 도구 문서에서이를 확인합니다.