도움이 필요합니다. 나는 파이썬에서 tkinter를 사용하여 나의 탁구 같은 게임에 작은 문제가있다. 게임은 예상대로 작동하지만 'self.height'변수의 범위에서 임의의 y 위치에서 타원이나 공을 시작하려고합니다. 저는 누군가 파이썬을 도울 수 있는지 궁금합니다.tkinter 게임에서 타원형 위치 초기화
() 메소드의 # NEED HELP는 공이 중간보다 오른쪽이 아닌 임의의 높이에서 시작되도록하려는 것입니다.
미리 감사드립니다.
self.y = random.randint(self.radius, self.height - self.radius)
을하지만 당신은 변경해야합니다 :
import random
import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox
import sys
def some_randomness():
""" ~ returns random value from -0.5 to 0.5 """
return random.random() - 0.5
class PaddleBall:
def __init__(self):
# window
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Paddle Ball!")
# used in move_paddle() method
self.paddle_dy = 10
# canvas
self.width = 400
self.height = 200
self.my_canvas = tkinter.Canvas(root, bg="white", \
width=self.width, height=self.height)
# frame
self.frm_control = tkinter.Frame(root)
# oval
self.radius = 10
self.x = 375
self.y = int(self.height/2) # NEED HELP
self.my_canvas.create_oval(self.x - self.radius, \
self.height/2 + self.radius, \
self.x + self.radius, \
self.height/2 - self.radius,
fill="red", tags="disk")
# paddle
self.paddle_top = 75
self.paddle_bot = 125
self.paddle_x = 15
# line
self.my_canvas.create_line(self.paddle_x, self.paddle_top, \
self.paddle_x, self.paddle_bot, \
width=3, fill="blue", tags="paddle")
# slot
self.slot_width = 15
self.slot_height = 20
self.slot_top = int(self.height/2 - self.slot_height)
self.slot_bot = int(self.height/2 + self.slot_height)
# top line - slot
self.my_canvas.create_line(self.width - self.slot_width/2, 0, \
self.width - self.slot_width/2, \
self.slot_top, width=self.slot_width, \
fill="blue", tags="slot")
# bottom line - slot
self.my_canvas.create_line(self.width - self.slot_width/2, \
self.slot_bot, \
self.width - self.slot_width/2, \
self.height, width=self.slot_width, \
fill="blue", tags="slot")
# bind
self.my_canvas.bind("<KeyPress-Up>", self.move_paddle_up)
self.my_canvas.bind("<KeyPress-Down>", self.move_paddle_down)
self.sleep_time = 30
# paddle method(s)
def move_paddle_up(self, _):
self.paddle_dy = -abs(self.paddle_dy)
def move_paddle_down(self, _):
self.paddle_dy = abs(self.paddle_dy)
def move_paddle(self):
if self.is_paddle_on_screen():
self.paddle_top += self.paddle_dy
self.paddle_bot += self.paddle_dy
self.my_canvas.move("paddle", 0, self.paddle_dy)
def animate(self):
dx = -3
dy = random.randint(-3, 3)
while True:
self.my_canvas.move("disk", dx, dy)
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
# when disk is in the slot, it'll move to the end of the canvas
# and not bounce from the slot walls
if self.is_in_slot():
d_width = 0
d_width = self.slot_width
if self.x <= self.radius or \
self.x + self.radius >= self.width - d_width:
dx = -dx + some_randomness()
if self.y <= self.radius or self.y + self.radius >= self.height:
dy = -dy + some_randomness()
if self.is_in_slot() and self.x >= self.width - self.radius:
messagebox.showinfo("Victory", "You win!!")
if self.is_touching_paddle():
dx = -dx + some_randomness()
dy += some_randomness()
# boundary methods
def is_touching_paddle(self):
""" ~ checks if the oval is touching the paddle:
1. if the left point of the oval (x - radius) is touching the paddle
2. and if the y position is in the paddle's vertical boundaries """
return self.x - self.radius <= self.paddle_x and \
(self.paddle_top <= self.y <= self.paddle_bot)
def is_in_slot(self):
""" ~ checks if the oval's in the slot:
1. if the right part of the oval (x + radius) has crossed slot
entrance (width - slot_width)
2. if the top oval point (y - radius) is bigger than slot_top position
and if bottom oval point (y + radius) is smaller than slot_bottom
position. also, it allows small clipping (2 pixels) to avoid
strange bounces on the boundaries of the slot """
return self.x + self.radius >= self.width - self.slot_width and \
self.slot_top + self.radius - 2 <= self.y <= \
self.slot_bot - self.radius + 2
def is_paddle_on_screen(self):
""" ~ checks if the paddle is in the screen's boundaries """
return (self.paddle_dy > 0 or self.paddle_top >= \
abs(self.paddle_dy)) and self.paddle_bot < \
self.height - self.paddle_dy
PaddleBall() # anonymous instance