내 문제를 신중하게 이해하면 처음에는 이것이 elastic4s의 제한 사항이라고 생각했지만 처음에는 elastic4s 클라이언트를 통해 다중 필드 집계 쿼리를 동적으로 구축하기가 쉽지 않다고 생각했습니다. 내 솔루션은 입니다.
//For building aggregation query
def buildAgg(groups: Seq[String])(leafAggBuilder:() => AbstractAggregationDefinition): AbstractAggregationDefinition = {
groups match {
case x :: xs => aggregation.terms("termAgg").field(x).aggregations(buildAgg(xs)(leafAggBuilder))
case Nil => leafAggBuilder()
//An example leaf aggregation builder
def buildLeafAgg(aggFuncInfo: Pair[String, String])(): AbstractAggregationDefinition = {
aggFuncInfo._1 match {
case "avg" => aggregation.avg("aggFunc").field(aggFuncInfo._2)
case "sum" => aggregation.sum("aggFunc").field(aggFuncInfo._2)
case "cardinality" => aggregation.cardinality("aggFunc").field(aggFuncInfo._2)
case _ => aggregation.count("aggFunc").field(aggFuncInfo._2)
//For parsing aggregation
def parseAgg[T](groups: Seq[String], agg: Aggregation, allGroups: Seq[String])(leafAggParser: (Seq[String], Aggregation) => Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
groups match {
case x :: xs => {
val groupAggs = agg.asInstanceOf[StringTerms].getBuckets.asScala.toList
(for {
groupAgg <- groupAggs
aa = groupAgg.getAggregations.asList.asScala.head
gkey = groupAgg.getKeyAsString
gacc = allGroups :+ gkey
} yield parseAgg(xs, aa, gacc)(leafAggParser)).flatten
case Nil => {
leafAggParser(allGroups, agg)
//An example leaf aggregation parser
def parseSimpleLeafAgg(allGroups: Seq[String], agg: Aggregation): Seq[GroupStats] = {
val value = agg.asInstanceOf[InternalNumericMetricsAggregation.SingleValue].value()
val groupId = allGroups.mkString(".")
Seq(GroupStats(groupId, value))
//Usage: Build Query and Parse result
def groupStats(groupFields: Seq[String]): Seq[GroupStats] = {
val resp = client.execute {
def leafPlainAggBuilder = buildLeafAgg(("count", "V1")) _
//get the root aggregation
val agg = resp.aggregations.asList().asScala.head
def leafAggParser = parseSimpleLeafAgg _
val res = parseAgg(groupFields, agg, Seq())(leafAggParser)