개봉하려는 사용자가 무엇인지 잘 모르겠습니다. 자바 스크립트를 사용하여 비슷한 프로그램을 만들었으며 코드가 매우 단순합니다. btw, 2 차 방정식은 -b ± √D/2a입니다. heres 내가 작성한 코드를 heres : 또한, 문제는 당신이 반환 된 부분에 있습니다 : (root1, root2), 배열로 만들거나 그냥 2 반환 명령을 확인하십시오. 즉 반환 당신이이 반환을 CNA의 경우하지 않도록 (ROOT1) 리턴 (ROOT2는) 함수가 아닌 자바 프로그래머, 미안 인,하지만 난 시도 : D
else if(choice == 2){//quadratic start
alert("the equation is of the form : ax^2 + bx + c == 0 , only input the coefficients i.e - the value of ax^2 is a, or the value of bx is b, not bx. The value of b for the equation 5x^2 + 7x +3 is 7, not 7x");
var a = prompt("Put in the value of a");//declaring variables
var b = prompt("Put in the value of b, if the bx part of the equation doesn't exist, input 0. Ex for equation 2x^+6==0 , b ==0, since its technically 2x^2 + 0b + 6 == 0");
var c = prompt("Put in the value of c, if the c part of the equation doesn't exist, input 0. Ex for equation 2x^+6x==0 , c ==0, since its technically 2x^2 + 6b + 0 == 0");
var D = ((b*b)-(4*a*c));//computing discriminant
if(D < 0){
alert("The quadratic equation doesn't have real roots; the closest value is : " + (-b/2) +" + i/2");
root1 = (- b + Math.sqrt(D))/(2*a);
root2 = (- b - Math.sqrt(D))/(2*a);
console.log("Both roots are equal, their value is " + root1);
alert("Both roots are equal, their value is " + root1);
else if (D > 0){
console.log("The roots of the equation are: " + root1 + " and " + root2);
alert("The roots of the equation are: " + root1 + " and " + root2);
}//quadratic end
및 heres는 전체 프로그램 :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src ="code.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var main = function(){//Linear in 2 start
var choice = prompt("Choose your type of equation : Type 1 for linear in 2 variables, 2 for quadratic in one variable ");
if(choice ==1){
alert("The two equations are of the forms a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 respectively")
var a1 = prompt("Enter value of a (a1) for equation 1");
var b1 = prompt("Enter value of b (b1) for equation 1");
var c1 = prompt("Enter value of c (c1) for equation 1");
var a2 = prompt("Enter value of a (a2) for equation 2");
var b2 = prompt("Enter value of b (b2) for equation 2");
var c2 = prompt("Enter value of c (c2) for equation 2");
alert("No solution is possible for the equation, i.e. the lines are parallel")
else if(a1/a2===b1/b2 && b1/b2!=c1/c2){
alert("The lines are collinear and the values of x and y are infinite")
var ansy = (c2*a1-c1*a2)/(b1*a2-b2*a1);
var ansx = (c1-b1*ansy/a1);
alert("x is equal to : " + ansx);
alert("y is equal to : " + ansy);
else if(choice == 2){//quadratic start
alert("the equation is of the form : ax^2 + bx + c == 0 , only input the coefficients i.e - the value of ax^2 is a, or the value of bx is b, not bx. The value of b for the equation 5x^2 + 7x +3 is 7, not 7x");
var a = prompt("Put in the value of a");//declaring variables
var b = prompt("Put in the value of b, if the bx part of the equation doesn't exist, input 0. Ex for equation 2x^+6==0 , b ==0, since its technically 2x^2 + 0b + 6 == 0");
var c = prompt("Put in the value of c, if the c part of the equation doesn't exist, input 0. Ex for equation 2x^+6x==0 , c ==0, since its technically 2x^2 + 6b + 0 == 0");
var D = ((b*b)-(4*a*c));//computing discriminant
if(D < 0){
alert("The quadratic equation doesn't have real roots; the closest value is : " + (-b/2) +" + i/2");
root1 = (- b + Math.sqrt(D))/(2*a);
root2 = (- b - Math.sqrt(D))/(2*a);
console.log("Both roots are equal, their value is " + root1);
alert("Both roots are equal, their value is " + root1);
else if (D > 0){
console.log("The roots of the equation are: " + root1 + " and " + root2);
alert("The roots of the equation are: " + root1 + " and " + root2);
}//quadratic end
var again = confirm("Proceed to equation selection menu?");
if(again === true){
<title>Equation Solver</title>