2016-08-05 7 views

이미지 인식DrawMatching - 내가 (데이터베이스에서 다른 내 카메라에서 포착되고 하나) 두 이미지 사이의 일치 키포인트를 보여 주려했다

사람에 쓰기 DrawMatches 기능에서 나를 도와 줄 수

두 이미지 사이의 일치하는 선을 표시하기 위해 내 코드.

public final class ImageDetectionFilter{ 

// Flag draw target Image corner. 
private boolean flagDraw ; 

// The reference image (this detector's target). 
private final Mat mReferenceImage; 

// Features of the reference image. 
private final MatOfKeyPoint mReferenceKeypoints = new MatOfKeyPoint(); 

// Descriptors of the reference image's features. 
private final Mat mReferenceDescriptors = new Mat(); 

// The corner coordinates of the reference image, in pixels. 
// CvType defines the color depth, number of channels, and 
// channel layout in the image. Here, each point is represented 
// by two 32-bit floats. 
private final Mat mReferenceCorners = new Mat(4, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2); 

// Features of the scene (the current frame). 
private final MatOfKeyPoint mSceneKeypoints = new MatOfKeyPoint(); 
// Descriptors of the scene's features. 
private final Mat mSceneDescriptors = new Mat(); 
// Tentative corner coordinates detected in the scene, in 
// pixels. 
private final Mat mCandidateSceneCorners = 
    new Mat(4, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2); 
// Good corner coordinates detected in the scene, in pixels. 
private final Mat mSceneCorners = new Mat(4, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2); 
// The good detected corner coordinates, in pixels, as integers. 
private final MatOfPoint mIntSceneCorners = new MatOfPoint(); 

// A grayscale version of the scene. 
private final Mat mGraySrc = new Mat(); 
// Tentative matches of scene features and reference features. 
private final MatOfDMatch mMatches = new MatOfDMatch(); 

// A feature detector, which finds features in images. 
private final FeatureDetector mFeatureDetector = 
// A descriptor extractor, which creates descriptors of 
// features. 
private final DescriptorExtractor mDescriptorExtractor = 
// A descriptor matcher, which matches features based on their 
// descriptors. 
private final DescriptorMatcher mDescriptorMatcher = DescriptorMatcher 

// The color of the outline drawn around the detected image. 
private final Scalar mLineColor = new Scalar(0, 255, 0); 

public ImageDetectionFilter(final Context context, 
    final int referenceImageResourceID) throws IOException { 

// Load the reference image from the app's resources. 
// It is loaded in BGR (blue, green, red) format. 
mReferenceImage = Utils.loadResource(context, referenceImageResourceID, 

// Create grayscale and RGBA versions of the reference image. 
final Mat referenceImageGray = new Mat(); 
Imgproc.cvtColor(mReferenceImage, referenceImageGray, 

Imgproc.cvtColor(mReferenceImage, mReferenceImage, 

// Store the reference image's corner coordinates, in pixels. 
mReferenceCorners.put(0, 0, new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }); 
mReferenceCorners.put(1, 0, 
     new double[] { referenceImageGray.cols(),0.0 }); 
mReferenceCorners.put(2, 0, 
     new double[] { referenceImageGray.cols(), 
     referenceImageGray.rows() }); 
mReferenceCorners.put(3, 0, 
     new double[] { 0.0, referenceImageGray.rows() }); 

// Detect the reference features and compute their 
// descriptors. 

public void apply(Mat src, Mat dst) { 

// Convert the scene to grayscale. 
Imgproc.cvtColor(src, mGraySrc, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY); 

// Detect the same features, compute their descriptors, 
// and match the scene descriptors to reference descriptors. 
mFeatureDetector.detect(mGraySrc, mSceneKeypoints); 
mDescriptorExtractor.compute(mGraySrc, mSceneKeypoints, 


// If the corners have been found, draw an outline around the 
// target image. 
// Else, draw a thumbnail of the target image. 
draw(src, dst); 


private void findSceneCorners() { 
flagDraw = false; 

final List<DMatch> matchesList = mMatches.toList(); 

if (matchesList.size() < 4) { 
    // There are too few matches to find the homography. 

final List<KeyPoint> referenceKeypointsList = 
final List<KeyPoint> sceneKeypointsList = 

// Calculate the max and min distances between keypoints. 
double maxDist = 0.0; 
double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; 

for (final DMatch match : matchesList) { 
    final double dist = match.distance; 
    if (dist < minDist) { 
     minDist = dist; 
    if (dist > maxDist) { 
     maxDist = dist; 

// The thresholds for minDist are chosen subjectively 
// based on testing. The unit is not related to pixel 
// distances; it is related to the number of failed tests 
// for similarity between the matched descriptors. 
if (minDist > 50.0) { 
    // The target is completely lost. 
    // Discard any previously found corners. 
    mSceneCorners.create(0, 0, mSceneCorners.type()); 
} else if (minDist > 25.0) { 
    // The target is lost but maybe it is still close. 
    // Keep any previously found corners. 

// Identify "good" keypoints and on match distance. 
final ArrayList<Point> goodReferencePointsList = 
     new ArrayList<Point>(); 
final ArrayList<Point> goodScenePointsList = 
     new ArrayList<Point>(); 
final double maxGoodMatchDist = 1.75 * minDist; 
for (final DMatch match : matchesList) { 
    if (match.distance < maxGoodMatchDist) { 
if (goodReferencePointsList.size() < 4 
     || goodScenePointsList.size() < 4) { 
    // There are too few good points to find the homography. 
// There are enough good points to find the homography. 
// (Otherwise, the method would have already returned.) 

// Convert the matched points to MatOfPoint2f format, as 
// required by the Calib3d.findHomography function. 
final MatOfPoint2f goodReferencePoints = new MatOfPoint2f(); 

final MatOfPoint2f goodScenePoints = new MatOfPoint2f(); 

// Find the homography. 
final Mat homography = Calib3d.findHomography(

// Use the homography to project the reference corner 
// coordinates into scene coordinates. 

// Convert the scene corners to integer format, as required 
// by the Imgproc.isContourConvex function. 

// Check whether the corners form a convex polygon. If not, 
// (that is, if the corners form a concave polygon), the 
// detection result is invalid because no real perspective can 
// make the corners of a rectangular image look like a concave 
// polygon! 
if (Imgproc.isContourConvex(mIntSceneCorners)) { 
    // The corners form a convex polygon, so record them as 
    // valid scene corners. 
    flagDraw = true; 


protected void draw(final Mat src, final Mat dst) { 

if (dst != src) { 

// Outline the found target in green. 
Imgproc.line(dst, new Point(mSceneCorners.get(0, 0)), new Point(
     mSceneCorners.get(1, 0)), mLineColor, 4); 
Imgproc.line(dst, new Point(mSceneCorners.get(1, 0)), new Point(
     mSceneCorners.get(2, 0)), mLineColor, 4); 
Imgproc.line(dst, new Point(mSceneCorners.get(2, 0)), new Point(
     mSceneCorners.get(3, 0)), mLineColor, 4); 
Imgproc.line(dst, new Point(mSceneCorners.get(3, 0)), new Point(
     mSceneCorners.get(0, 0)), mLineColor, 4); 

public boolean getFlagDraw(){ 

return flagDraw; 

enter image description here

enter image description here

도움이 될 것입니다. – ZdaR


@ ZdaR, 아래 문을 실행하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 당신은 그것에 들여다 볼 수 있고 그것에서 무엇이 잘못되었는지 알려 줄 수 있습니까? Mat outImg = new Mat(); Features2d.drawMatches (mReferenceImage, mReferenceKeypoints, mCandidateSceneCorners, mSceneKeypoints, mMatches, outImg); – WhoAmI



내가 자바로 굳게하지 오전이 도움을 것입니다하지만 난 OpenCV의를 사용하여 파이썬에서이를 관리하는 방법을 예를 게시하고 확실하지 :

여기 내 코드입니다. 어쩌면 이것이 지침으로 당신을 도울 것입니다.

이 예에서는

(예 더욱 관심을 가질만한 설명을 가지고 this 사이트에서 적응), 나는 여섯 만화 동물의 세트로 한 만화 동물의 회전 된 버전을 발견하고있다.

기본적으로 훈련 및 쿼리 이미지에서 키포인트로 cv2.drawMatches()을 호출하고 불량 일치를 마스크하려고합니다. 관련 코드 부분이 맨 아래에 있습니다.

예제가 최소한의 코드 예제는 아니며 모든 작업을 수행하지는 못했지만 이미 키포인트가 있으며 준비가되어 있어야합니다. 당신은뿐만 아니라 일치하는 몇 가지 샘플 이미지를 공유 할 경우 enter image description here

import numpy as np 
import cv2 
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 


img1 = cv2.imread('d:/one_animal_rotated.jpg',0)   # queryImage 
img2 = cv2.imread('d:/many_animals.jpg',0) # trainImage 

# Initiate SIFT detector 
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(0,3,0) 
# find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT 
kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(img1,None) 
kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(img2,None) 

#find matches using FLANN 
index_params = dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees = 5) 
search_params = dict(checks = 50) 
flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) 
matches = flann.knnMatch(des1,des2,k=2) 

#apply ratio test to find best matches (values from 0.7-1 made sense here) 
good = [] 
for m,n in matches: 
    if m.distance < 1*n.distance: 

#find homography to transform the edges of the query image and draw them on the train image 
#This is also used to mask all keypoints that aren't inside this box further below. 
src_pts = np.float32([ kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1,1,2) 
dst_pts = np.float32([ kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1,1,2) 

M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0) 
matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() 

h,w = img1.shape 
pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2) 
dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M) 
img2 = cv2.polylines(img2,[np.int32(dst)],True,255,3, cv2.LINE_AA) 

#draw the good matched key points 
draw_params = dict(matchColor = (0,255,0), # draw matches in green color 
        singlePointColor = None, 
        matchesMask = matchesMask, # draw only inliers 
        flags = 2) 

img3 = cv2.drawMatches(img1,kp1,img2,kp2,good,None,**draw_params) 
plt.imshow(img3, 'gray'),plt.show() 

이것은 내 코드 세트에서 구현해야하는 것입니다. 하지만 Java에서 하나의 이미지를 데이터베이스에서 필요로하고 다른 하나는 카메라에서 캡처 한 이미지를 필요로합니다. – WhoAmI