LCD 초기화를 관리 할 수 없습니다. 잘못된 것이 있습니까? 어떤 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다!hd44780 기반 LCD와 P89LPC9351 기반 마이크로 컨트롤러의 인터페이스 문제
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <p89lpc9351.h>
#define XTAL 7373000L
#define BAUD 115600L
#define LCD_data P2
#define LCD_rs P1_4
#define LCD_rw P1_6
#define LCD_en P1_7
void putchar (char c)
while (!TI);
char getchar (void)
while (!RI);
return SBUF;
void InitSerialPort(void)
BRGCON=0x00; //Make sure the baud rate generator is off
BRGCON=0x03; //Turn-on the baud rate generator
SCON=0x52; //Serial port in mode 1, ren, txrdy, rxempty
P1M1=0x00; //Enable pins RxD and Txd
P1M2=0x00; //Enable pins RxD and Txd
void delay_ms(long ms)
long i;
while (ms--)
for (i=0; i < 330; i++)
void command(char i)
LCD_data = i; //put data on output Port
LCD_rs =0; //D/I=LOW : send instruction
LCD_rw =0; //R/W=LOW : Write
LCD_en = 1;
delay_ms(1); //enable pulse width >= 300ns
LCD_en = 0;
void write(char i)
LCD_data = i; //put data on output Port
LCD_rs =1; //D/I=LOW : send data
LCD_rw =0; //R/W=LOW : Write
LCD_en = 1;
delay_ms(1); //enable pulse width >= 300ns
LCD_en = 0; //Clock enable: falling edge
void LCD_init()
LCD_en = 0;
delay_ms(100); //Wait >15 msec after power is applied
command(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up
delay_ms(30); //must wait 5ms, busy flag not available
command(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up #2
delay_ms(10); //must wait 160us, busy flag not available
command(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up #3
delay_ms(10); //must wait 160us, busy flag not available
command(0x38); //Function set: 8-bit/2-line
command(0x10); //Set cursor
command(0x0c); //Display ON; Cursor ON
command(0x06); //Entry mode set
void main (void)
http://electronics.stackexchange.com/에서 더 많은 하드웨어 지향 포크가 있기 때문에이 질문을 시도해보십시오. 나는 이것이 여기에 주제 밖의 질문이라고 생각하지 않는다. – RBerteig