2015-01-30 3 views

새 파스 프레임 워크 (1.6.2)를 사용하도록 프로젝트를 업데이트했으며 로그에 아키텍처 x86_64의 문제점이 표시됩니다. Standart Arch (armv7, arm64) 및 FacebookSDK (w/-ObjC 플래그)를 사용하고 있습니다. 누구든지 어떻게 해결할 수 있는지 알고 있습니까?Parse.com - 아키텍처 x86_64에 대한 정의되지 않은 기호

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: 
    "_OBJC_CLASS_$_BFExecutor", referenced from: 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFObject.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PF_Twitter.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFPush.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFEventuallyQueue.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFPinningEventuallyQueue.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFCloud.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFUser.o) 
    "_OBJC_CLASS_$_BFTask", referenced from: 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFSQLiteDatabase.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFTwitterAuthenticationProvider.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFObjectEncodingStrategy.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFOfflineStore.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFObject.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PF_Twitter.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFAnonymousAuthenticationProvider.o) 
    "_OBJC_CLASS_$_BFTaskCompletionSource", referenced from: 
     objc-class-ref in ParseFacebookUtils(PFFacebookAuthenticationProvider.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFSQLiteDatabase.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFOfflineStore.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFObject.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PF_Twitter.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFNetworkCommandRunner.o) 
     objc-class-ref in Parse(PFEventuallyQueue.o) 
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 



프로젝트에 Bolts.framework을 추가하십시오.