2014-09-08 2 views

tfs 프로젝트를 git로 마이 그 레이션하고 git tfs의 최신 버전 인 .20을 사용하고 있습니다. 프로젝트를 tfs의 브랜치로 변환했으며 여전히이 오류를 직면하고 있습니다.Git tfs - sequence에 아무런 원소가 없습니다.

Setting up a TFS workspace at .git\tfs\default\workspace 
get [C39462]$/Dow Jones Infrastructure/trunk/src/DowJones.Web.Mvc/DowJones.Web.M 
C39462 = cdacbb91c508cd75c305547f9fa91d8f7225d87d 
GC Countdown: 181 
Sep.Git.Tfs.Core.GitTfsException: error: a problem occured when trying to clone 
the repository. Try to solve the problem described below. 
In any case, after, try to continue using command `git tfs fetch` 
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements 
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(IEnumerable`1 source) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Core.GitTfsRemote.ProcessMergeChangeset(ITfsChangeset changese 
t, Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, String& parentCommit) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Core.GitTfsRemote.FetchWithMerge(Int64 mergeChangesetId, Boole 
an stopOnFailMergeCommit, String[] parentCommitsHashes) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.DoFetch(IGitTfsRemote remote, Boolean stopOnFai 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.FetchRemote(Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, IGit 
TfsRemote remote) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.Run(Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, String[] arg 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Clone.Run(String tfsUrl, String tfsRepositoryPath, St 
ring gitRepositoryPath) 
    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Util.GitTfsCommandRunner.Run(GitTfsCommand command, IList`1 ar 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.GitTfs.Main(GitTfsCommand command, IList`1 unparsedArgs) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Program.Main(String[] args) 
error: a problem occured when trying to clone the repository. Try to solve the p 
roblem described below. 
In any case, after, try to continue using command `git tfs fetch` 

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements 
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(IEnumerable`1 source) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Core.GitTfsRemote.ProcessMergeChangeset(ITfsChangeset changese 
t, Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, String& parentCommit) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Core.GitTfsRemote.FetchWithMerge(Int64 mergeChangesetId, Boole 
an stopOnFailMergeCommit, String[] parentCommitsHashes) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.DoFetch(IGitTfsRemote remote, Boolean stopOnFai 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.FetchRemote(Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, IGit 
TfsRemote remote) 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Fetch.Run(Boolean stopOnFailMergeCommit, String[] arg 
    at Sep.Git.Tfs.Commands.Clone.Run(String tfsUrl, String tfsRepositoryPath, St 
ring gitRepositoryPath) 
Sequence contains no elements 

여기 내 자식 TFS 클론 명령입니다 : 여기에 내가 무엇을 얻을의 로그입니다 Heres는

PS:if your branch is not listed here, perhaps you should convert the containing 
folder to a branch in TFS. 
Fetching from TFS remote 'default'... 
C39287 = 32b95538d87efab00ada41347069bfaf5b2eb1aa 
C39347 = 88e584492a318ad520d4caaa94202620f968281b 
C39348 = 34faf002c3ec8a2a52296472a35493523f164d75 
C39351 = b2c7b256a5c5f58b88c1c879f2b2e08051ed4125 
C39353 = c2fb6988f8f92803c4bd9fc81638b68d7867dbc7 
C39355 = e5e364b2ccfe19a72d1a42c0e58c25a32389033c 
C39356 = 64850cb6e181c04463affead17840e0d23780a4a 
C39357 = 518c57ed83f115f602c722acc9c6cf21e11a6260 
C39359 = 3ab61d15a7d84cb2d0de5f7e0cbb6a038cad28fb 
C39360 = a92963812c6184d72a39ff35faf754b784bccaab 
C39393 = 25b6385094b4165f22d12bd8880fde7cdbc607af 
C39407 = f6c9d31b0f21b6e9bf7f8e7611f9efd79068cb7d 
C39408 = 0c13bf39f416feee8428cf49d14148723b3a2061 
C39409 = e0d4a70e8a221078bfb585a8b5e5cf59da77ff7d 
C39411 = b459848e0093babbc8260bdb52d3072699d2184e 
C39451 = b7fc45fb08b907f68cec48fbbca01b6c4fb99c6a 
C39454 = e022581df4b5e164e14910112229eae37d8681f5 
C39456 = 696657332c22091d92dbb5de4316711ac4d0c7d9 
C39461 = f5c5736f4230233f4cbaf4bba0f8f72c378df52b 
C39462 = cdacbb91c508cd75c305547f9fa91d8f7225d87d 
error: a problem occured when trying to clone the repository. Try to solve the p 
roblem described below. 
In any case, after, try to continue using command `git tfs fetch` 

Sequence contains no elements 

는 내가에의 제공 문제를 생각 커밋 :

함께 DJ_Component 분기를 병합 구성 요소 JS 재 설계

Chadwick, Jess 변경 집합 39571 4 년 전 13 파일 edited3 개의 파일이 삭제되었습니다.

커밋을 무시한 후에도 동일한 오류로 다시 실패하기 전에 커밋을 성공적으로 마이그레이션합니다.


@ 필립 - 제발 봐. – Scooby



Git-Tfs 프로젝트 사이트에서 reported the error을 볼 수 있으며 2 주 전에 문제가 고정으로 표시되었습니다.

최신 코드를 구해서 빌드하고 빌드 된 코드를 볼 수 있습니까? 또는 0.21 릴리스를 기다렸다가 대신 시도하십시오.