을 배우려고합니다. clojure.spec.alpha가 필요한 동안 부트 빌드 도구를 따라 clojure 프로젝트를 설정하는 동안 다음 오류가 발생합니다. 다음과 같이이러한 네임 스페이스가 없습니다. 클로저 스크립트 프로젝트 설정의 clojure.spec.alpha
Compiling ClojureScript...
• js/app.js
No such namespace: clojure.spec.alpha, could not locate clojure/spec/alpha.cljs, clojure/spec/alpha.cljc, or Closure namespace "clojure.spec.alpha" in f
ile src/cljs/flowparser/app.cljs
Elapsed time: 0.141 sec
내 부팅 구성은 다음과 같습니다 난 그냥이에 대한 clojure
어떤 제안을
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]))
(defn init []
"Hello World")
을 시작하고 따라 다음과 같이
(def +version+ "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
(def +description+ "Parses graph DSL for VADE")
:source-paths #{"src/cljs"}
:resource-paths #{"resources"}
:dependencies '[
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha16"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.521"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.3.442"]
[adzerk/boot-cljs "2.0.0" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/boot-cljs-repl "0.3.3" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/boot-reload "0.5.1" :scope "test"]
[pandeiro/boot-http "0.8.0" :scope "test"]
[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1" :scope "test"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.13" :scope "test"]
[weasel "0.7.0" :scope "test"]
[crisptrutski/boot-cljs-test "0.3.0" :scope "test"]
[binaryage/dirac "1.2.7" :scope "test"]
[powerlaces/boot-cljs-devtools "0.2.0" :scope "test"]
[proto-repl "0.3.1" :scope "test"]
[proto-repl-charts "0.3.2" :scope "test"]
[boot-codox "0.10.3" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/bootlaces "0.1.13"]])
'[adzerk.boot-cljs :refer [cljs]]
'[adzerk.boot-cljs-repl :refer [cljs-repl start-repl]]
'[adzerk.boot-reload :refer [reload]]
'[pandeiro.boot-http :refer [serve]]
'[crisptrutski.boot-cljs-test :refer [test-cljs]]
'[powerlaces.boot-cljs-devtools :refer [cljs-devtools dirac]]
'[codox.boot :refer [codox]]
'[adzerk.bootlaces :refer :all])
(bootlaces! +version+ :dont-modify-paths? true)
pom {:project 'vadelabs/flowparser
:version +version+
:description +description+
:url ""
:scm {:url ""}
:license {"Eclipse Public License"
(deftask build []
(comp (speak)
(deftask run []
(comp (serve)
(deftask production []
(task-options! cljs {:optimizations :advanced})
(deftask development []
(task-options! cljs {:optimizations :none}
reload {:on-jsload '})
(deftask dev
"Simple alias to run application in development mode"
(comp (development)
(deftask docs []
"Generates documentation for the library"
(comp (codox
:name "vadelabs/flowparser"
:description +description+
:version +version+
:language :clojurescript
:output-path ".")
(target :dir #{"docs"})))
내 주요 app.cljs 파일입니다 문제의 종류가 크게 도움이 될 것입니다.