2013-01-04 4 views

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<div id="text">To mix thoughtful and catchy songs with a uniquely arresting voice and breathtaking beauty is a classic recipe for pop success. But at 21, singer/songwriter Nina has also shown a mature determination to achieve an international career. 

Classically trained and having successfully completed a Degree in Vocal Performance at the Academy of Contemporary Music she has done a great deal of professional work to widespread acclaim. Known as a singer from her early years she has performed in public since the age of 16. In 2007 Nina was invited to perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival, sharing the bill with the likes of Tori Amos, Seal, Sly and The Family Stone, Jeff Beck, Beastie Boys and Ben's Brother. Since then, she has continued to perform live as well as working closely with internationally noted Producer Richard Niles (Sir Paul McCartney, Ray Charles, Mariah Carey, Kylie Minogue, Westlife, Tom Jones) with whom she has already produced two singles. She has worked in collaboration with musicians such as Richard Cottle (David Bowie, Seal, Tina Turner), the famous photographer Angelo Valentino (Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Usher) and one of America's hottest designers, Arianna Power (Kayne West, Estelle, Metro Station). 
As well as supporting John Power (The La's/Cast) on two occasions, she has taken part in the semi-finals of the BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Awards 2008/9. Radio airplay includes coverage by stations such as BFBS, and, in addition to recorded plays, live studio performances for BBC Southern Counties Radio on South Live (syndicated across the southern counties), BBC Solent Radio, Hampshire and Guildford University Radio, Surrey. As well as interviews on local TV, Nina has made appearances on BBC 2's show "Genius" and on Channel 5 for their "Don't Stop Believing" advert. 
Nina's recent release "Slow Down Soldier" in aid of Help For Heroes reached number 4 in the UK iTunes Singer/Songwriter chart, receiving extensive radio airplay and TV coverage. As well as supporting the forces, she is a proud ambassador for The Rose Road Association. 
Currently working with producers and writers in Los Angeles, Switzerland, Germany and the UK, Nina looks forward to releasing new material at the end of 2012 and performing across the country.</div> 
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<div id="mailing"><div class="menu-item"><p class="style4">JOIN THE MAILING LIST</h1></p> 
Sign up today to get an free track 
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    <div class="menu-item3"> <p class="style4">CONTACT NINA</p> 
If you wish to contact Nina, please email her at [email protected]</li></ul></div> 

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    <div class="menu-item4"> <p class="style4">VISIT THE BLOG</p> 
You can see what Nina is up to on her blog here</li></ul></div> 

    <p class="style4">&nbsp;</p> 

<div class="menu-item2"> <p class="style6">NEW SINGLE: COLOURS OF THE WORLD</p> 
New single out now, listen <a href="http://soundcloud.com" target="new" class="white"><font color="#99CCFF" face="Quicksand">here</font></a>, or thorugh the soundcloud player below</li></ul></div></div> 


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</div> <div id="credits">©2012 Nina Schofield. Design by <a href="http://alex-humphries.com" target="new"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="+2">Alex Humphries</font></a></div> 

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예 :


코드를 제공해 주셔서 감사합니다.하지만 SSCCE (http://sscce.org/)를 제공하면 더 많은 도움을받을 수 있습니다. 모든 코드를 생략하십시오.이 코드는 질문과 관련이 없습니다! –


내 친구 당신은 가장 까다로운 호버 관련 질문 중 하나를 발견했습니다. 이 방법을 사용해보십시오. 내용 확장을 트리거 할 요소에 mouseover를 사용하고 현재 마우스 위치가 해당 내용이 아닌 경우 확장 된 내용을 숨기는 데 setTimeout을 사용합니다. –


그는 클릭 한 번으로 콘텐츠를 닫으려고하기 때문에 그렇게 복잡하지는 않습니다. 클릭 할 때 내용을 전환하거나 (내 대답 참조) 마우스 오버시 열어 클릭 할 때 닫을 수 있습니다. –



jQuery API는 여기에서 예이다 토글 모든 단락. 당신이 애니메이션이 원하는 경우 링크 ID join 및 등록이 ID를 form

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는 뭔가를해야한다 코드에 조정 슬라이딩 동작으로 전환하려면 다음 대신 을 사용할 수 있습니다.

$("#join").click(function() { 

OK 도움 주셔서 감사합니다. 내가 작성한 코드로 양식을 표시하거나 사라지게 만들었지 만 이것이 내가 원하는 것만은 아닙니다. 마우스 오버시 현재 활성화되어있는 현재 CSS 애니메이션 (아래 내용으로 이동하는 곳)이 마우스 클릭으로 토글되도록합니다. 이것이 가능한가? – AlexHumphries


예, 대신 slideToggle을 사용할 수 있습니다 (예와 API에 대한 링크를 답안에 추가했습니다). –