2017-12-16 22 views

나는 1에서 12까지의 그래픽 카드가있는 컴퓨터에서 정보를 수집해야하는 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다. 이 정보는 나중에 사용할 클라우드에 저장됩니다. minimun가에 내가 필요로 무엇상세한 PCI-E 정보, Windows

:이 무엇 GPU

얼마나 많은 메모리 어떤이 사용하는 PCI 슬롯, 1, 2, 3 등 (또는 무엇이든 이름)

Windows WMI에 정보가있는 것 같으며 다른 클래스를 조사하고 있지만 PCI-E 슬롯을 찾기가 어려울 수 있습니다. 누구든지이 정보를 얻는 방법을 알고 있습니까? 내가 문자열의 모든 PCI-E 정의를 볼 수 없습니다 PCI 슬롯


왜 아래 표를? 그렇습니다. OP에는 현재의 시도에 대한 코드가 포함되어 있지 않지만 이는 여전히 관련 질문이라고 생각합니다. 그리고 낮은 투표자에게 투표를 내려서 변경이나 수리에 대한 의견이 없거나 적어도 잘못된 것은 내 의견으로는 쓸모가 없다. – Spektre



당신이 보일 것입니다 (없음이없는 것을 의미하지 않는다). 시도하면 그냥 결과 열거 모두 PCIPCI-E 장치입니다.

PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1400&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 0   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1401&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 1   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1402&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 2   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1403&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 3   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1404&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 4   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1405&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 24, function 5   
PCI standard host CPU bridge      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1410&SUBSYS_14101022&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 0, function 0   
PCI Express standard Root Port     PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1412&SUBSYS_12341022&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0   
PCI Express standard Root Port     PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1414&SUBSYS_12341022&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 4, function 0   
PCI Express standard Root Port     PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1417&SUBSYS_12341022&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 7, function 0   
AMD IOMMU Device         PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1419&SUBSYS_14191022&REV_00      PCI bus 0, device 0, function 2   
AMD SATA Controller        PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7801&SUBSYS_B0021458&REV_40      PCI bus 0, device 17, function 0   
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller    PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7807&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 18, function 0   
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller    PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7807&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 19, function 0   
Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller  PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7808&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 18, function 2   
Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller  PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7808&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 19, function 2   
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller    PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7809&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 20, function 5   
AMD SMBus          PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_780B&SUBSYS_780B1022&REV_14      PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0   
High Definition Audio Controller     PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_780D&SUBSYS_A0021458&REV_01      PCI bus 0, device 20, function 2   
PCI standard ISA bridge       PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_780E&SUBSYS_780E1022&REV_11      PCI bus 0, device 20, function 3   
PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge     PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_780F&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_40      PCI bus 0, device 20, function 4   
AMD USB 3.0 Host Controller      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7812&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_03      PCI bus 0, device 16, function 0   
AMD USB 3.0 Host Controller      PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7812&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_03      PCI bus 0, device 16, function 1   
High Definition Audio Controller     PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0BEE&SUBSYS_35371458&REV_A1      PCI bus 1, device 0, function 1   
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti      PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1244&SUBSYS_35371458&REV_A1      PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0   
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller    PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_06      PCI bus 2, device 0, function 0   
MSI [email protected] Plus        PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7133&SUBSYS_62311462&REV_D1      PCI bus 4, device 6, function 0   
Etron USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller   PCI\VEN_1B6F&DEV_7023&SUBSYS_50071458&REV_01      PCI bus 3, device 0, function 0   

는 그냥 무시하십시오 "PCI" 문자열

//$$---- Form CPP ---- 
#include <vcl.h> 
#include <setupapi.h> 
#pragma hdrstop 
#include "win_main.h" 
#pragma package(smart_init) 
#pragma resource "*.dfm" 
TMain *Main; 
bool USBinfo() 
    int i,n; 
    AnsiString s,txt=""; 
    DWORD dwSize,dwPropertyRegDataType; 
    HDEVINFO hDevInfo; 
    SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; 
    TCHAR szDesc[1024]; 

// hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(NULL, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_ALLCLASSES);   // List all devices 
// hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(NULL, TEXT("USB"), NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_ALLCLASSES); // List all connected USB devices 
    hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(NULL, TEXT("PCI"), NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_ALLCLASSES); // List all connected PCI devices 
    if (hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; 
    // Find the ones that are driverless 
    for (i=0;;i++) 
     DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(DeviceInfoData); 
     if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, &DeviceInfoData)) break; 
     SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC,&dwPropertyRegDataType, (BYTE*)szDesc,sizeof(szDesc),&dwSize); 
     s=szDesc; n=48; while (s.Length()<n) s+=" "; if (s.Length()>n) s=s.SubString(1,n); txt+=s+" "; 
     SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID,&dwPropertyRegDataType, (BYTE*)szDesc,sizeof(szDesc),&dwSize); 
     s=szDesc; n=64; while (s.Length()<n) s+=" "; if (s.Length()>n) s=s.SubString(1,n); txt+=s+" "; 
     SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION,&dwPropertyRegDataType, (BYTE*)szDesc,sizeof(szDesc),&dwSize); 
     s=szDesc; n=40; while (s.Length()<n) s+=" "; if (s.Length()>n) s=s.SubString(1,n); txt+=s+" "; 
    return true; 
__fastcall TMain::TMain(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) 

샘플 출력 : BDS2006 C++/VCL에서 내가 this을 사용하고 바로 경기 문자열을 변경하여 (나는 몇 시간 전에 체포) VCL 물건. 중요한 것은 USBinfo() 기능입니다 (예, 정보를 얻기 위해 사용합니다). 그것은 장치 관리자에서와 같은 모든 장치를 열거합니다.이 문자열은 사용자가 초기화하는 문자열과 일치합니다 (3 개의 유사한 행 2는 해결됩니다). AnsiString은 문자열 클래스입니다 (요소는 [0] 대신 에서 액세스 함). DWORD은 부호없는 32 비트 int입니다. Main->mm_log은 단지 TMemo이며 결과를 출력합니다. 당신의 Windows 장치 관리자에있는 모든 정보를 가져올 수 있습니다 인터페이스는 당신이 필요로하는 SPDRP_ 속성을 (그들이 여기 setupapi.h에 나와있는 사용 setupapi.h

포함하는 것을 잊지 마십시오 내 포함 된 내용이다 :

#define SPDRP_DEVICEDESC     (0x00000000) // DeviceDesc (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_HARDWAREID     (0x00000001) // HardwareID (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS    (0x00000002) // CompatibleIDs (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_UNUSED0      (0x00000003) // unused 
#define SPDRP_SERVICE      (0x00000004) // Service (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_UNUSED1      (0x00000005) // unused 
#define SPDRP_UNUSED2      (0x00000006) // unused 
#define SPDRP_CLASS      (0x00000007) // Class (R--tied to ClassGUID) 
#define SPDRP_CLASSGUID     (0x00000008) // ClassGUID (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_DRIVER      (0x00000009) // Driver (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_CONFIGFLAGS     (0x0000000A) // ConfigFlags (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_MFG       (0x0000000B) // Mfg (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME    (0x0000000C) // FriendlyName (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION  (0x0000000D) // LocationInformation (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME (0x0000000E) // PhysicalDeviceObjectName (R) 
#define SPDRP_CAPABILITIES    (0x0000000F) // Capabilities (R) 
#define SPDRP_UI_NUMBER     (0x00000010) // UiNumber (R) 
#define SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS    (0x00000011) // UpperFilters (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS    (0x00000012) // LowerFilters (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID     (0x00000013) // BusTypeGUID (R) 
#define SPDRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE    (0x00000014) // LegacyBusType (R) 
#define SPDRP_BUSNUMBER     (0x00000015) // BusNumber (R) 
#define SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME    (0x00000016) // Enumerator Name (R) 
#define SPDRP_SECURITY     (0x00000017) // Security (R/W, binary form) 
#define SPDRP_SECURITY_SDS    (0x00000018) // Security (W, SDS form) 
#define SPDRP_DEVTYPE      (0x00000019) // Device Type (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_EXCLUSIVE     (0x0000001A) // Device is exclusive-access (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_CHARACTERISTICS    (0x0000001B) // Device Characteristics (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_ADDRESS      (0x0000001C) // Device Address (R) 
#define SPDRP_UI_NUMBER_DESC_FORMAT  (0X0000001D) // UiNumberDescFormat (R/W) 
#define SPDRP_DEVICE_POWER_DATA   (0x0000001E) // Device Power Data (R) 
#define SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY    (0x0000001F) // Removal Policy (R) 
#define SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_HW_DEFAULT (0x00000020) // Hardware Removal Policy (R) 
#define SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_OVERRIDE  (0x00000021) // Removal Policy Override (RW) 
#define SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE    (0x00000022) // Device Install State (R) 
#define SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS    (0x00000023) // Device Location Paths (R) 

#define SPDRP_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY   (0x00000024) // Upper bound on ordinals 

// Class registry property codes 
// (Codes marked as read-only (R) may only be used for 
// SetupDiGetClassRegistryProperty) 
// These values should cover the same set of registry properties 
// as defined by the CM_CRP codes in cfgmgr32.h. 
// they should also have a 1:1 correspondence with Device registers, where applicable 
// but no overlap otherwise 
#define SPCRP_SECURITY     (0x00000017) // Security (R/W, binary form) 
#define SPCRP_SECURITY_SDS    (0x00000018) // Security (W, SDS form) 
#define SPCRP_DEVTYPE      (0x00000019) // Device Type (R/W) 
#define SPCRP_EXCLUSIVE     (0x0000001A) // Device is exclusive-access (R/W) 
#define SPCRP_CHARACTERISTICS    (0x0000001B) // Device Characteristics (R/W) 
#define SPCRP_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY   (0x0000001C) // Upper bound on ordinals 

: 당신은 GPU의 정보를 수집으로

그러나 당신은 또한 OpenGL을 접근 방법을 시도 할 수도 있습니다

당신은 suppleted extentions 및 기능의 목록을 수집 할 수 있습니다 또한 파이프 라인의 번호와 같은 특정 GPU 정보, 질감 단위, 일부 무료 메모리에 대한 ...