2014-03-25 3 views

직사각형과 선이 충돌하는지 감지하는 함수를 작성하려고합니다. 나는 이미지가 사각형과 교차하지만, 선 모양이 나는 등Kineticjs는 직사각형과 선이 충돌하는지 알아보기

function checkCollision(obj1, obj2){ //checks for collision 
var status = false; 
var obj1Top = obj1.getAttr('y'); 
var obj1Bottom = obj1.getAttr('y') + obj1.getAttr('height'); 
var obj1Left = obj1.getAttr('x'); 
var obj1Right = obj1.getAttr('x') + obj1.getAttr('width'); 

var obj2Top = obj2.getAttr('y'); 
var obj2Bottom = obj2.getAttr('y') + obj2.getAttr('height'); 
var obj2Left = obj2.getAttr('x'); 
var obj2Right = obj2.getAttr('x') + obj2.getAttr('width'); 

if (!(obj1Bottom < obj2Top || obj1Top > obj2Bottom || obj1Left > obj2Right || obj1Right < obj2Left)) 

status = true; 

return status; 

어떤 아이디어 폭과 높이가 같은 필요한 모든 속성이없는 경우 함수가 감지해야?



데모 : http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/eZHu7/

라인 사각형 충돌은 놀라 울 정도로 복잡하다!



// test line vs the 4 rectangle lines 
function lineRectIntersects(line,rect){ 

    // p=line startpoint, p2=line endpoint 
    var p={x:line.x1,y:line.y1}; 
    var p2={x:line.x2,y:line.y2}; 

    // top rect line 
    var q={x:rect.x,y:rect.y}; 
    var q2={x:rect.x+rect.width,y:rect.y}; 
    if(doLineSegmentsIntersect(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; } 

    // right rect line 
    var q=q2; 
    var q2={x:rect.x+rect.width,y:rect.y+rect.height}; 
    if(doLineSegmentsIntersect(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; } 

    // bottom rect line 
    var q=q2; 
    var q2={x:rect.x,y:rect.y+rect.height}; 
    if(doLineSegmentsIntersect(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; } 

    // left rect line 
    var q=q2; 
    var q2={x:rect.x,y:rect.y}; 
    if(doLineSegmentsIntersect(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; } 

    // If not intersecting with the 4 rect sides, then not intersecting 

그 기능 베드로 켈리의 행 라인 교차 알고리즘을 사용

선분은 사각형의 네면 중 하나를 교차하고 있는지 기능 검사

링크가 빗발 쳤을 때를 대비하여 베드로의 코드가 복사됩니다.

* @author Peter Kelley 
* @author [email protected] 

* See if two line segments intersect. This uses the 
* vector cross product approach described below: 
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/565282/786339 
* @param {Object} p point object with x and y coordinates 
* representing the start of the 1st line. 
* @param {Object} p2 point object with x and y coordinates 
* representing the end of the 1st line. 
* @param {Object} q point object with x and y coordinates 
* representing the start of the 2nd line. 
* @param {Object} q2 point object with x and y coordinates 
* representing the end of the 2nd line. 
function doLineSegmentsIntersect(p, p2, q, q2) { 
    var r = subtractPoints(p2, p); 
    var s = subtractPoints(q2, q); 

    var uNumerator = crossProduct(subtractPoints(q, p), r); 
    var denominator = crossProduct(r, s); 

    if (uNumerator == 0 && denominator == 0) { 
    // colinear, so do they overlap? 
    return ((q.x - p.x < 0) != (q.x - p2.x < 0) != (q2.x - p.x < 0) != (q2.x - p2.x < 0)) || 
     ((q.y - p.y < 0) != (q.y - p2.y < 0) != (q2.y - p.y < 0) != (q2.y - p2.y < 0)); 

    if (denominator == 0) { 
    // lines are paralell 
    return false; 

    var u = uNumerator/denominator; 
    var t = crossProduct(subtractPoints(q, p), s)/denominator; 

    return (t >= 0) && (t <= 1) && (u >= 0) && (u <= 1); 

* Calculate the cross product of the two points. 
* @param {Object} point1 point object with x and y coordinates 
* @param {Object} point2 point object with x and y coordinates 
* @return the cross product result as a float 
function crossProduct(point1, point2) { 
    return point1.x * point2.y - point1.y * point2.x; 

* Subtract the second point from the first. 
* @param {Object} point1 point object with x and y coordinates 
* @param {Object} point2 point object with x and y coordinates 
* @return the subtraction result as a point object. 
function subtractPoints(point1, point2) { 
    var result = {}; 
    result.x = point1.x - point2.x; 
    result.y = point1.y - point2.y; 
    return result; 

감사합니다 :)! – brent