2012-12-22 2 views

나는 Sudoku programm에서 일하고 있습니다. 지금 당장은 유효한 Sudoku 보드를 생성 할 수 있지만 쉽거나 어려운 것을 생성 할 수 있는지는 알 수 없습니다. 나는 전체 보드를 생성하는 시작유효한 스도쿠 보드를 생성하는 방법은 무엇입니까? [및 난이도 등급]


여기 내 aproach입니다. 최종 보드가 비어 있습니다.

전체 보드의 값으로 무작위 셀 21 개를 채 웁니다.

최종 보드의 모든 솔루션을 찾아서 각 셀에 대해 전체 보드별로 솔루션이 다른 횟수를 세고 가장 많이 선택하고 채 웁니다. (이 아이디어는 여기에서 가져온 것입니다 : How to generate Sudoku boards with unique solutions 첫 번째 대답)

하나의 해결책이있을 때까지 이렇게하십시오.

이제 21 개의 무작위 세포가있는이 aproach가 올바른지는 알 수 없습니다. 때로는 처음 21 개의 무작위 세포 다음에 여러 가지 해결책이 있습니다.

내가 최종 보드를 생성하는 순간 : 0,3 초.

저는이 보드 옆에 21 개의 임의의 셀이있는 다른 방법과 빠른 방법을 알려 드리고자합니다. 어쩌면 보드의 난이도를 지정할 수 있습니다.



의 나머지 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ 3588962/brute-force-algorithm-for-sudoku-board –


위의 링크는 모든 스도쿠 보드를 생성하는 방법과 모든 셀을 채우는 방법, 그리고 스도쿠 해결사에 대한 이야기입니다. 나는 그 단계를 ... 어쨌든 Thx –



은 3 단계의 난이도 {쉬운, 중간, 하드}

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 

namespace SuperSudoku 
    public enum Difficulty 
     Easy, Medium, Hard 

    class PuzzleGenerator 
     private PuzzleSolver puzzleSolver; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// </summary> 
     public PuzzleGrid PermaGrid; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// </summary> 
     public PuzzleGrid SolutionGrid; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// </summary> 
     private Difficulty difficulty; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This constructs a puzzle generator class. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="difficultyIn">The difficulty to generate a new puzzle.</param> 
     public PuzzleGenerator(Difficulty difficultyIn) 
      puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver(); 
      difficulty = difficultyIn; 

     public PuzzleGrid InitGrid() 
     {     //Randomly fill in the first row and column of puzzlegrid 
      PuzzleGrid tempGrid = new PuzzleGrid { };  //temporary grid to assign values into 
      int row = 0;       //variable for navigating 'rows' 
      int col = 0;      //variable for navigating 'columns' 
      int newVal;         //value to place into grid 
      bool solved; 
      List<int> valueSet = new List<int>(Enumerable.Range(-9, 9)); //range 
            //of numbers that can be added to the grid 
      List<int> valueSet2 = new List<int>(); //placeholder values in column 0 
      Random rnd = new Random(); //random variable for choosing random number 
      int randIndex = 0;  //index in valueSet/valueSet2 that is accessed 
      randIndex = rnd.Next(0,8); //get a random number and place in grid(0,0) 
      newVal = valueSet[randIndex]; 
      valueSet.Remove(newVal);    //remove paced value from options 
      for(row = 1; row < 9; row++) 
      { //fills in column 0 with remaining possible values, storing in place- 
       //holder as it goes so as to preserve when placing in row 0 later 
       randIndex = rnd.Next(0,valueSet.Count); 
       newVal = valueSet[randIndex]; 
       row = 0;            //reset row to 0 
      for(col = 1; col < 3; col++) 
      {  //fills in col 1,2 of row 0, checking that don't duplicate the 
                //values in rows 1,2 of col 0 
       randIndex = rnd.Next(0,valueSet2.Count); 
       newVal = valueSet2[randIndex]; 
       while((newVal == tempGrid.Grid[1,0]||(newVal == tempGrid.Grid[2,0]))) 
        randIndex = rnd.Next(0,valueSet2.Count); 
        newVal = valueSet2[randIndex]; 
      for(col = 3; col < 9; col++) 
      {   //fill in remainder of row 0 with remaining possible values 
       randIndex = rnd.Next(0,valueSet2.Count); 
       newVal = valueSet2[randIndex]; 
       puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver(); 
       puzzleSolver.SolveGrid((PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone(), false); //Slv to fill remainder of grid 
       SolutionGrid = puzzleSolver.SolutionGrid; 
      } while (SolutionGrid == null || SolutionGrid.IsBlank()); 
      PermaGrid = Blanker(SolutionGrid);  //call Blanker to carry out the 
      return PermaGrid;   //blanking of fileds,then return the grid to user to solve 
     // Call SolveGrid to solve puzzlegrid 
     //Store solved gamegrid as the correct solution in solutiongrid 

     public PuzzleGrid Blanker(PuzzleGrid solvedGrid) 
     {       //enable blanking of squares based on difficulty 
      PuzzleGrid tempGrid; 
      PuzzleGrid saveCopy; 
             //temporary grids to save between tests 
      bool unique = true;   //flag for if blanked form has unique soln 
      int totalBlanks = 0;       //count of current blanks 
      int tries = 0;     //count of tries to blank appropriately 
      int desiredBlanks;   //amount of blanks desired via difficulty 
      int symmetry = 0;          //symmetry type 
      tempGrid = (PuzzleGrid)solvedGrid.Clone(); 
               //cloned input grid (no damage) 
      Random rnd = new Random();   //allow for random number generation 

      switch (difficulty)   //set desiredBlanks via chosen difficulty 
      case Difficulty.Easy: //easy difficulty 
       desiredBlanks = 40; 
      case Difficulty.Medium: //medium difficulty 
       desiredBlanks = 45; 
      case Difficulty.Hard: //hard difficulty 
       desiredBlanks = 50; 
      default: //easy difficulty 
       desiredBlanks = 40; 

      symmetry = rnd.Next(0, 2);     //Randomly select symmetry 
      {   //call RandomlyBlank() to blank random squares symmetrically 
       saveCopy = (PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone();  // in case undo needed 
       tempGrid = RandomlyBlank(tempGrid, symmetry, ref totalBlanks); 
          //blanks 1 or 2 squares according to symmetry chosen 
       puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver(); 
       unique = puzzleSolver.SolveGrid((PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone(), true);   // will it solve uniquely? 
        tempGrid = (PuzzleGrid)saveCopy.Clone(); 
      } while((totalBlanks < desiredBlanks) && (tries < 1000)); 
      solvedGrid = tempGrid; 
      return solvedGrid; 

     public PuzzleGrid RandomlyBlank(PuzzleGrid tempGrid, int sym, ref int blankCount) 
      //blank one or two squares(depending on if on center line) randomly 
      Random rnd = new Random(); //allow random number generation 
      int row = rnd.Next(0, 8); //choose randomly the row 
      int column = rnd.Next(0, 8); //and column of cell to blank 
      while (tempGrid.Grid[row, column] == 0) //don't blank a blank cell 
       row = rnd.Next(0, 8); 
       column = rnd.Next(0, 8); 
      tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, column, 0); //clear chosen cell 
      blankCount++; //increment the count of blanks 
      switch (sym) 
        //based on symmetry, blank a second cell 
       case 0: //vertical symmetry 
        if (tempGrid.Grid[row, 8 - column] != 0) //if not already blanked 
         blankCount++; //increment blank counter 
        tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, 8 - column, 0); //blank opposite cell 
       case 1: //horizontal symmetry 
        if (tempGrid.Grid[8 - row, column] != 0) 
        tempGrid.InitSetCell(8 - row, column, 0); 
       case 2: //diagonal symmetry 
        if (tempGrid.Grid[column, row] != 0) 
        tempGrid.InitSetCell(column, row, 0); 
       default: //diagonal symmetry 
        if (tempGrid.Grid[row, 8 - column] != 0) 
        tempGrid.InitSetCell(column, row, 0); 
      return tempGrid; 


구현이 코드를 살펴 보자이 도움이 될 수 code is in here


다행 2 같은 코드 금액을 공유하는 사람을 참조하십시오. 그 난이도를 자세히 살펴볼 것입니다. 감사! –