특정 공유 Outlook 일정에서 모든 첨부 파일을 가져 오는 SSIS 패키지를 구현했습니다.Outlook 가져 오기 EWS를 사용하여 되풀이 약속 가져 오기 포함
내가 알아 차 렸지만 되풀이되는 것들은 일종의 가상이기 때문에 반환되지 않습니다. 그들 중 주인 만이 나에게 반복적 인 것들을 줄 수있는 능력을 줄 것이다.
내 코드를 보면 반복되는 코드를 검색 할 수있는 방법이 있습니까?
나는 조금 붙어있어 어떤 힌트라도 높이 평가됩니다!
#region Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
string sharedCalendarID;
static FolderId FindPublicFolder(ExchangeService myService, FolderId baseFolderId, string folderName)
// search using paging.
FolderView folderView = new FolderView(10, 0);
folderView.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;
// need only DisplayName and Id of every folder
// reduce the property set to the properties
folderView.PropertySet = new PropertySet(FolderSchema.DisplayName, FolderSchema.Id);
FindFoldersResults folderResults;
folderResults = myService.FindFolders(baseFolderId, folderView);
foreach (Folder folder in folderResults)
if (String.Compare(folder.DisplayName, folderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return folder.Id;
if (folderResults.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
// go to the next page
folderView.Offset = folderResults.NextPageOffset.Value;
while (folderResults.MoreAvailable);
return null;
public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
// IMPORTANT: ExchangeService is NOT thread safe, so one should create an instance of
// ExchangeService whenever one needs it.
ExchangeService myService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);
myService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
myService.Url = new Uri("https://......Exchange.asmx");
// next line is very practical during development phase or for debugging
myService.TraceEnabled = true;
Folder myPublicFoldersRoot = Folder.Bind(myService, WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot);
string myPublicFolderPath = @"CHI\WIED PFL Agenda";
string[] folderPath = myPublicFolderPath.Split('\\');
FolderId fId = myPublicFoldersRoot.Id;
foreach (string subFolderName in folderPath)
fId = FindPublicFolder(myService, fId, subFolderName);
if (fId == null)
// No Calendar found
// verify
Folder folderFound = Folder.Bind(myService, fId);
if (String.Compare(folderFound.FolderClass, "IPF.Appointment", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
sharedCalendarID = fId.ToString(); ;
CalendarFolder myPublicFolder = CalendarFolder.Bind(myService,
// search using paging. page size 10
ItemView viewCalendar = new ItemView(10);
// include all properties which we need in the view
// comment the next line then ALL properties will be read from the server.
//viewCalendar.PropertySet = new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject, ItemSchema.Id);
viewCalendar.Offset = 0;
viewCalendar.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;
viewCalendar.OrderBy.Add(ContactSchema.DateTimeCreated, SortDirection.Descending);
FindItemsResults<Item> findResultsCalendar;
//SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.IsGreaterThan(AppointmentSchema.Start, DateTime.Today);
var searchFilter = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.And,
new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ItemSchema.ItemClass, "IPM.Appointment"),
new SearchFilter.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(AppointmentSchema.Start, DateTime.Now),
new SearchFilter.IsLessThan(AppointmentSchema.Start, DateTime.Now.AddDays(4)));
findResultsCalendar = myPublicFolder.FindItems(searchFilter, viewCalendar);
//get additional properties for each item returned by view, do this as view cannot return a lot of useful stuff like attendees
ServiceResponseCollection<ServiceResponse> addProperties =
myService.LoadPropertiesForItems(from Item item in findResultsCalendar select item,
new PropertySet(
List<Appointment> additionalProperties = new List<Appointment>(addProperties.Count);
if (addProperties != null)
foreach (ServiceResponse currentResponce in addProperties)
foreach (Item item in findResultsCalendar)
Appointment appt = item as Appointment;
if (item is Appointment || appt.AppointmentType == AppointmentType.RecurringMaster)
Appointment currentAppointmentAddProps = null;
currentAppointmentAddProps = additionalProperties.Find(
delegate(Appointment arg)
return arg.Id == item.Id;
//convert to int wether the Appointment is recurring or not
int isRecurring = currentAppointmentAddProps.IsRecurring ? 1 : 0;
Appointment appoint = item as Appointment;
OutputRecordSetBuffer.ActualEndDate = currentAppointmentAddProps.End;
OutputRecordSetBuffer.ActualStartDate = currentAppointmentAddProps.Start;
OutputRecordSetBuffer.Subject = appoint.Subject;
OutputRecordSetBuffer.EntryID = Guid.NewGuid();
//OutputRecordSetBuffer.Detail = appoint.Body.ToString();
//OutputRecordSetBuffer.CalendarID = fId.ToString();
//OutputRecordSetBuffer.AppointmentID = appoint.Id.ToString();
OutputRecordSetBuffer.CalendarID = sharedCalendarID;
OutputRecordSetBuffer.AppointmentID = Guid.NewGuid();
OutputRecordSetBuffer.IsRecurring = isRecurring;
if (findResultsCalendar.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
// go to the next page
viewCalendar.Offset = findResultsCalendar.NextPageOffset.Value;
while (findResultsCalendar.MoreAvailable);