2012-03-09 1 views

필자는 시차 노드를 올바르게 설정하려고했지만이 문제에 대해 도움이 필요합니다. ( 배경 층 (스크롤 줌 가능하지만, Z 순서 -1) 층 1 (Z 오더 1) 층 2 :FieldRunners와 같은 cocso2d 핀치 줌

http://goo.gl/Piqy5 게임의 프레임 일 것이며, 시차 노드 영역 I는 3 개 개의 층을 가지고 Z 순서 2)

//Adding the layers to the parallax node 
CGPoint offsetLayer = ccp(0,0); 
//background layer 
[parallaxNode addChild:backgroundLayer z:-1 parallaxRatio: ccp(0,0) positionOffset: offsetLayer]; 
//layer 1 
[parallaxNode addChild:secondParallaxLayer z:1 parallaxRatio: ccp(0.5,0) positionOffset: offsetLayer]; 
//layer 2 
[parallaxNode addChild:firstParallaxLayer z:2 parallaxRatio: ccp(1.1,0) positionOffset: offsetLayer]; 

//the pan/zoom & scroll controller 
_controller = [[CCPanZoomController controllerWithNode:baseLayer] retain]; 
_controller.boundingRect = boundingRect; 
_controller.zoomOutLimit = _controller.optimalZoomOutLimit; 
_controller.zoomInLimit = 2.0f; 
[_controller centerOnPoint:CGPointMake(screenSize.width/2.0, screenSize.height/2.0)]; 
[_controller enableWithTouchPriority:-2 swallowsTouches:YES]; 

나는 내가 사용 수정해야한다고 생각 :

//Setting the touch delegate to my CCScene 
@interface GameScene : CCScene <CCStandardTouchDelegate> 

//and add register to touch delegate 
[[CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher] addStandardDelegate:self priority:2]; 

- (CGPoint)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point fromNode:(CCNode *)node { 
    return [self convertToNodeSpace:[node convertToWorldSpace:point]]; 

- (void)ccTouchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { 
#define CLAMP(x,y,z) MIN(MAX(x,y),z) 
    if ([[[event allTouches] allObjects] count] == 2) { 

     UITouch* touch1 = [[[event allTouches] allObjects] objectAtIndex:0]; 
     UITouch* touch2 = [[[event allTouches] allObjects] objectAtIndex:1]; 

     // calculate scale value 
     double prevDistance = ccpDistance([touch1 previousLocationInView:[touch1 view]], [touch2 previousLocationInView:[touch2 view]]); 
     double newDistance = ccpDistance([touch1 locationInView:[touch1 view]], [touch2 locationInView:[touch2 view]]); 

     CGFloat relation = newDistance/prevDistance; 
     CGFloat newScale = self.scale * relation; 

     if ((newScale >= MIN_SCALE) && (newScale <= MAX_SCALE)) { 

      CGPoint touch1Location = [baseLayer convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch1]; 
      CGPoint touch2Location = [baseLayer convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch2]; 

      // calculate center point between two touches 
      CGPoint centerPoint = ccpMidpoint(touch1Location, touch2Location); 

      // store center point location (ScrollableView space) 
      CGPoint centerPointInParentNodeSpace = [self convertPoint:centerPoint fromNode:baseLayer]; 
      CGPoint oldPoint = ccp(centerPointInParentNodeSpace.x * (self.scale), centerPointInParentNodeSpace.y * (self.scale)); 
      self.scale = newScale; 

      CGPoint newPoint = ccp(centerPointInParentNodeSpace.x * (self.scale), centerPointInParentNodeSpace.y * (self.scale)); 
      CGPoint diff = ccp(oldPoint.x - newPoint.x , oldPoint.y - newPoint.y); 

      [baseLayer setPosition:ccp(baseLayer.position.x + (diff.x*(1/self.scale)), baseLayer.position.y + (diff.y*(1/self.scale)))]; 
    } else if ([[[event allTouches] allObjects] count] == 1) { 
     // get touch locations 
     UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject]; 

     CGPoint touchPosition = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:[touch locationInView:[touch view]]]; 
     CGPoint oldPosition = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:[touch previousLocationInView:[touch view]]]; 

     // calculate difference in position 
     CGPoint diff = ccpSub(touchPosition, oldPosition); 
     self.position = ccpAdd(self.position, diff); 

#undef CLAMP 

어떤 발언이나 도움이 좋을 것! :)



Github의 Cocos2d Extensions에서 CCLayerPanZoom을 확인하십시오. 이 클래스를 사용하여 게임에서 핀치 확대 및 이동을 활성화했습니다.