TeamViewer 지원에 대한 대부분의 질문에 감사드립니다.TeamViewer SDK 통합 : NotificationCompat에 NoClassDefFoundError
오랫동안 무료 TVSession을 끝내는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 연결을 끊으면 후원사에 대해 알리고 싶습니다. (내 생각에)$Builder
배경이 중요합니다. 오래된 임베디드 디바이스를위한 아주 오래된 프로젝트에 SDK를 통합했습니다. 그것은 gradl 아니 appcompat 라이브러리를 사용하지 않는 일반 안드로이드 구조를 가지고 있습니다. 사실, 안드로이드 OS 4.3, 프로젝트 SDK API 21이지만 상한선은 어렵습니다.
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="11"/>
그래서 고칠 수 있습니까? 또는 존재하지 않는 클래스 사용을 막는 방법은 무엇입니까? appcompat libs를 가져 오지 않고하시기 바랍니다.
참고 사항. 세션을 성공적으로 설정하고 유지하십시오. 몇 초 안에 세션을 닫으면 모두 정상입니다.
로그 :
2017/02/06 03:41:51.119 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport handle session teardown
2017/02/06 03:41:51.119 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport Session will be terminated by: partner
2017/02/06 03:41:51.119 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport trySessionTeardown: teardown
2017/02/06 03:41:51.120 I/RSModule module stopped: Clipboard
2017/02/06 03:41:51.126 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport handle session end
2017/02/06 03:41:51.126 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport destroying SessionIncomingRemoteSupport
2017/02/06 03:41:51.126 I/TeamViewer CarrierContainer.SendCarrierSwitch: state=2, carrier=1
2017/02/06 03:41:51.126 I/TeamViewer UdpCarrierDeactivationState::DiscloseStateToCarrier: empty send buffer is not flushed
2017/02/06 03:41:51.127 I/TeamViewer Activating Router carrier
2017/02/06 03:41:51.127 I/RSModuleManager destroy
2017/02/06 03:41:51.128 I/ScreenSharingSDKSession Stopping session
2017/02/06 03:41:51.130 W/TeamViewer UdpConnection[20]: UDP statistics: nb=33
2017/02/06 03:41:51.130 I/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport SessionIncomingRemoteSupport destroyed
2017/02/06 03:41:51.130 I/SessionManager !end session!
2017/02/06 03:41:51.131 I/SessionManager set session is running: false
2017/02/06 03:41:51.134 W/TVWidget widget already removed
2017/02/06 03:41:51.135 I/SessionController close
2017/02/06 03:41:51.135 I/SessionController Release partial wakelock
2017/02/06 03:41:51.136 W/PseudoSocketAdapter read: Socket already closed.
2017/02/06 03:41:51.137 I/BCommandHandler listener thread stopped
2017/02/06 03:41:51.137 W/SessionIncomingRemoteSupport Session already destroyed!
2017/02/06 03:41:51.199 I/TeamViewer TeamViewer is going offline!
2017/02/06 03:41:51.200 I/TeamViewer RemoteSessionManager::ClearAllRemoteSessions(): RemoteSession Count: 2
2017/02/06 03:41:51.211 W/InterProcessGUIConnector Received SessionCommand (SessionCommand ptr=0x62a02db8 rct=12 ct=ConnectionInfo) without registered callback.
2017/02/06 03:41:51.217 I/TeamViewer ConnectionGuard: no restrictions
2017/02/06 03:41:51.218 I/TeamViewer CGatewaySession[18]::EndSession(): Session to 742326611 ended. Estimated capacity=0kBit/s, Latency=3ms
2017/02/06 03:41:51.218 I/TeamViewer CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=37
2017/02/06 03:41:51.294 I/TeamViewer RemoteSessionManager::ClearAllRemoteSessions(): Waited 94ms
2017/02/06 03:41:51.295 I/KeepAlive Offline
2017/02/06 03:41:51.296 I/TeamViewer Account::UpdateState: KA = 0, active = 1
2017/02/06 03:41:51.296 I/TeamViewer Account::SetLoginState: new state: 0
2017/02/06 03:41:51.382 I/TeamViewer TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2017/02/06 03:41:51.383 W/TeamViewer KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection with ended
2017/02/06 03:48:53.041 I/FileManager check storage
2017/02/06 03:48:53.043 I/FileManager copyFilesToExternalStorage: copy TVLog.html
, 그들은 SDK = 14 min으로 호소 – djdance