다음과 같은 psuedo python 덩어리가 의미가 있음을 검증 할 몇 가지 눈알을 찾습니다. 가능한 한 빨리 inproc 함수를 구현하기 위해 많은 스레드를 생성하려고합니다.파이썬 내에서 기본 대기열/스레드 프로세스를 구현
chunk of code
-get the filenames from a dir
-write each filename ot a queue
-spawn a thread for each filename, where each thread
waits/reads value/data from the queue
-the threadParse function then handles the actual processing
based on the file that's included via the "execfile" function...
# System modules
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
import time
# Local modules
#import feedparser
# Set up some global variables
appqueue = Queue()
# more than the app will need
# this matches the number of files that will ever be in the
# urldir
num_fetch_threads = 200
def threadParse(q)
#decompose the packet to get the various elements
line = q.get()
college,level,packet=decompose (line)
#build name of included file
#setup the master loop
while True
# get the files from the dir
# setup threads
filelist="ls /urldir"
if filelist
foreach file_ in filelist:
worker = Thread(target=threadParse, args=(appqueue,))
# again, get the files from the dir
#setup the queue
filelist="ls /urldir"
foreach file_ in filelist:
#stuff the filename in the queue
# Now wait for the queue to be empty, indicating that we have
# processed all of the downloads.
#don't care about this part
#print '*** Main thread waiting'
#print '*** Done'
감사합니다 생각/의견/포인터 ...
아이디어는 마스터 루프에서 스레드를 생성하는 것입니다, 그래서 응용 프로그램은 병렬/동시 방식으로 동시에 스레드를 실행합니다