2016-10-12 4 views

Malihu의 맞춤 스크롤바 플러그인을 사용하고 있으며이 플러그인과 함께 'Scroll to id'플러그인을 추가하려고합니다. 내 스 니펫에 제공된 코드는 내가 원하는 방식으로 작동합니다 (버튼이 작동하지 않는 경우도 있음).Malihu 사용자 정의 스크롤바 - 페이지에서 작동하지 않는 id 플러그인으로 스크롤

중요한 문제는 내가이 코드를 내 사이트에 넣어서 작동하지 못하게하는 것입니다. 페이지를 아래로 스크롤하면 올바른 부분이 올바른 점으로 강조 표시되지만 점을 클릭하면 오른쪽 섹션으로 이동하지 않고 아무 것도 수행하지 않습니다.

페이지 : 귀하의 버튼의 가끔 행동 당신의 조각에 관해서는 https://www.kentunion.co.uk/test2/

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    <li><a href="#section-12"></a></li> 

<div id="contents"> 
    <section id="section-1"> 
    <div class="contents"> 
     <p>Our three year strategic plan ends in 2017 so we are busy writing our new one. Kent Union's plan outlines the priorities for our organisation and what we will be working on. It's really important that we get your input into our plan for 2017 - 2020. We are your students' union and improving your student experience here at the University of Kent is what we are here to do.</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-2"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>There are lots of different ways you can get involved in developing our new plan.</h2> 
     <li>Take our survey to tell us how you feel about life at Kent and what you want us to work on</li> 
     <li>Send us your feedback, on anything you think we need to know</li> 
     <li>Sign up to take part in a focus group or interview</li> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-3"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <p>How we're developing our new plan. We'll keep this section updated, so you can see our progress and what we've found out. </p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-4"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 1</h2> 
     <p>Desk based research to understand all the issues that might affect you. You can read our full report here, or for those of you without an hour to spare we've done a one page version</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-5"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 2</h2> 
     <p>Interviews with senior university staff</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-6"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 3</h2> 
     <p>Large scale survey with all our members</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-7"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 4</h2> 
     <p>Focus groups and interviews with some of you</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-8"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 5</h2> 
     <p>Focus groups with secondary school and FE students, to understand their perspectives of studying at University </p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-9"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 6</h2> 
     <p>Presenting our draft plan at AGM in November for your feedback</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-10"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 7</h2> 
     <p>Presenting our plan to the University of Kent's management team in December</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-11"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 8</h2> 
     <p>Signing off our plan at our Board of Trustees in March</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-12"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 9</h2> 
     <p>Launch of new Kent Union's plan in September 2017</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
<div id="background"><div></div></div>



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<div id="contents"> 
    <section id="section-1"> 
    <div class="contents"> 
     <p>Our three year strategic plan ends in 2017 so we are busy writing our new one. Kent Union's plan outlines the priorities for our organisation and what we will be working on. It's really important that we get your input into our plan for 2017 - 2020. We are your students' union and improving your student experience here at the University of Kent is what we are here to do.</p> 
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     <h2>There are lots of different ways you can get involved in developing our new plan.</h2> 
     <li>Take our survey to tell us how you feel about life at Kent and what you want us to work on</li> 
     <li>Send us your feedback, on anything you think we need to know</li> 
     <li>Sign up to take part in a focus group or interview</li> 
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    <section id="section-3"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <p>How we're developing our new plan. We'll keep this section updated, so you can see our progress and what we've found out. </p> 
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    <section id="section-4"> 
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     <h2>Stage 1</h2> 
     <p>Desk based research to understand all the issues that might affect you. You can read our full report here, or for those of you without an hour to spare we've done a one page version</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#section-5" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-5"> 
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     <h2>Stage 2</h2> 
     <p>Interviews with senior university staff</p> 
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    <section id="section-6"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 3</h2> 
     <p>Large scale survey with all our members</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> <a href="#section-7" rel="next">&darr; Next section</a> 
    <section id="section-7"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 4</h2> 
     <p>Focus groups and interviews with some of you</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-8"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 5</h2> 
     <p>Focus groups with secondary school and FE students, to understand their perspectives of studying at University </p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-9"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 6</h2> 
     <p>Presenting our draft plan at AGM in November for your feedback</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-10"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 7</h2> 
     <p>Presenting our plan to the University of Kent's management team in December</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
    <section id="section-11"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 8</h2> 
     <p>Signing off our plan at our Board of Trustees in March</p> 
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    <section id="section-12"> 
    <div class="content"> 
     <h2>Stage 9</h2> 
     <p>Launch of new Kent Union's plan in September 2017</p> 
     <hr /><a href="#top">&uarr; Back to top</a> 
<div id="background"><div></div></div>


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