자일링스에서 다음 코드를 실행하려고하는데 여러 오류가 발생합니다.자일링스에서 다음 코드를 실행하려고하지만 여러 오류가 발생했습니다.
코드 :
Library IEEE;
use work.rng.all;
entity mutation is
mut:in std_logic;
pop_size:in integer range 0 to 15:=10;
mem_mutated,bits_mutated:out arr
end mutation;
architecture Behavioral of mutation is
Variable s1,s4:integer:=1 ;
Variable s2:integer range 0 to 15;
Variable s3:integer range 0 to 1000:=5;
variable s5:integer range 0 to 1000:= 8;
variable ind_no, bit_mut:integer;
variable mut_ind, bit_pos:arr;
s2:= pop_size;
if mut=’1’ then
for i in 1 to mut_bits loop
s3:= s3+ 2;
bit_pos(i):= bit_mut;
s4:=s4 + 1;
end loop;
mem_mutated<= mut_ind;
bits_mutated<= bit_pos;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
다음은 오류 인 실행 코드에서 :
ERROR:HDLCompiler:104 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 6: Cannot find in library . Please ensure that the library was compiled, and that a library and a use clause are present in the VHDL file. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 9: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 7: Unit ignored due to previous errors. ERROR:HDLCompiler:374 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 11: Entity is not yet compiled. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 14: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 15: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 16: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 17: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 18: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 19: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 21: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 23: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 24: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 25: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 26: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 27: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 28: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 29: is not declared. ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "D:\mutation\mutation.vhd" Line 31: is not declared.
나는 이러한 오류를 제거하기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있는가?
사용중인 프로그램을 이해하는 것은 불가능합니다. 그러나 일반적으로 프로그램을 다시 설치하는 것으로 충분합니다. – Leos313